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Summer Special
The Summer Sale has ended. Click for the current Monthly Specials.
Summer Herbs Sale
The summer herbs sale has ended. For the current special, visit
Lung Health Support
The lung health support promotion has ended. Please visit our Monthly Specials page to view the curr...
By Condition > Triple Threat Formulas
The Triple Threat sale has ended, but you can still find great formulas for your patients!Not sure w...
Curing Pills Sale
The Curing Pills sale has ended. Click for the current Monthly Specials.
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May 10, 2013
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Yunnan Baiyao Discontinued
Yunnan Baiyao Discontinued
June 6, 2013
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Honey/Bee Products Update
Honey/Bee Products Update
March 2003
We have received the Chloramphenicol testing results for o...
Beware of Counterfeits that Contain Lead And Mercu...
Beware of Counterfeits that Contain Lead And Mercury
June 2006
The New York City Department o...
Honey/Bee Products Caution Statement
Honey/Bee Products Caution Statement
February 2003
We have recently become aware that the U.S...
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Welcome Hawaii Acupuncture Association Members!
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Pacific Symposium 2021 Course Replay
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Earth Day: Big and little ways Mayway contributes to a better environment
Our products travel almost half way around the Earth to get to you, and we are always conscious of this fact. We are mindful of not wasting, being efficient, and using as little packaging and packing ...
Chinese Herbs & Pesticides
The pesticide issue is real and Mayway is appreciative of Greenpeace’s recent article raising the alarm, but it is more complicated than either Greenpeace’s or Harvard’s recent studies ...
Fall 2021 Herb Report
Yvonne Lau of Mayway Herbs provides an update on the Chinese herb industry including economic pressures, harvest, and supply challenges.
Herb Nerd's Paradise: 4 days in Anguo
Yvonne Lau provides a travel log of a recent visit to Anguo, a Chinese herbal medicine province in China.
Fall Harvest Update 2024
As we welcome the fall season, it’s a crucial time for harvesting many crops, including herbs. It is important to note the significant increase in herb prices in recent months driven by both natur...
Our Quest for Organic Chinese Medicinal Herbs
Obviously, the idea of having organic Chinese herbs is very appealing, and over the years many customers have asked us why we didn’t carry them. What most of our newer customers don’t know is that we ...
AWB Update: Responding to Hurricanes, Shootings and Wildfires
Acupuncturists Without Borders has never been called upon to respond to so many disasters as we have this fall. Hurricane Harvey in Texas, Hurricane Irma in Florida, Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, th...
Fires and Metal: Fall Lung Formulas
Autumn is the season of metal, and pertains to the Lung and Large Intestine organs. It is the season of dryness in Chinese medicine, and as we have experienced here in California, it is also the seaso...
Growing Herb Demand and Quality Concerns
Fakes, reconditioned and counterfeit herbs. Take a look into the shadier side of herb sourcing and learn what you can do to avoid it. Chinese herbs are commodities, and traded in the billions of doll...
What We Can Learn from East Asian Clinics: Specialization
In China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea traditional medicine is 99.9% herbs. In fact, you could walk around a random Chinese city all day and not find a single acupuncture clinic, but pass plenty of herba...
Optimizing Female Fertility with Prepared Chinese Medicines
Traditional Chinese medicine gynecologists have known for thousands of years that regulating the menstrual cycle promotes fertility. Modern practitioners have begun to incorporate the knowledge we h...
Stabilizing Shen and Hun: Insomnia
Insomnia (bù mèi 不寐, shī mián 失眠) is difficulty sleeping. Insomnia includes inability to sleep, difficulty falling asleep, frequent waking, restlessness at night, a disordered sleep cycle and dre...
Adaptogens and Chinese Herbology
The concept of an herbal adaptogen is a relatively recent one and its origin dates back to 1947 to a Soviet scientist, Nikolai Lazarev. Lazarev was searching for substances that would improve human ...
Needling Master Tung’s Double Child, Double Fairy
Susan presents her needling notes for these important paired points, along with tips on when to use them and combinations to use with different presentations, in this excerpt from her upcoming Master...
Assessing and Treating Pediatric Fevers with Chinese Medicine
Fevers are nature’s way of fighting off organisms that cause sickness by creating an environment that is inhospitable to pathogenic life forms. Fevers are also instrumental in developing and fine-tun...
The Primary Pathological Triad
The primary pathological triad is three patterns of pathology that frequently occur simultaneously, are tightly interlinked and mutually engendering. The triad comprises Spleen yang qi deficiency, Liv...
Moxa Strengthens the Kidneys and Mingmen Fire
Moxa is an excellent way to deeply warm the body, more important now, as we head into fall and winter. In fact, between the change of seasons, there is a two to four week period referred to as “Moxa S...
Using Master Tung’s Gallbladder Points for Diseases of the Head and Neck
In Master Tung’s body of work, many points are loosely classified as Gallbladder channel points. In this article, I will compare Tung’s Gallbladder points, all located between the Leg Shao Yang (Gallb...
2017: The Year of the Fire Rooster and its Clinical Implications
2017 brings the Year of the Fire Rooster. As you may know, the energy of each year is different, and is named for its Chinese Zodiac animal. Each animal represents different energetic implications for...
A Growing Conversation for Domestic Production 2016
The Chinese Medicinal Herb Farm in Northern California, is primarily an educational and research farm and to date have grown out more than 260 different Chinese herb crops. Herb quality, ecological cu...
Introduction to Shonishin, Pediatric Acupuncture
Shonishin is a pediatric method developed in Japan, which was based upon TCM theories from 2,000 years ago. It first came into practice in the 17th century, but in the last 80 years it has become the ...
2016: Treating Patients in the Year of the the Fire Monkey
Chinese New Year is February 8th this year, the beginning of the year of the fire, or red, monkey. As acupuncturists, how can we prepare for the patients we’ll be seeing this year, simply by knowing t...
Releasing Trauma: Considering Late- versus Early-Onset in the Treatment of PTSD
A common archetype of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (or PTSD) is the aging, war-torn veteran, but in an era of constant and intimate exposure to tragic imagery and social injustice from across ...
Making a Ripple
“How can I help you?” This simple question should summarize our relationship with our patients by placing us in a role of service to our patients. Unfortunately, all too often, the question is present...
The Dance of Water & Fire: Study of the Triple Heater
The role of the triple heater is a complicated one. Elisabeth’s study of the Neijing texts allows us to start by defining the fu , their shared functions, extent of those roles, and the connections be...
Helping Children with Autism, a Chinese Medical Perspective
Lola Burmeister, L.Ac. discusses Autism Spectrum Disorder from a Chinese medicine perspective. Her detailed analysis discusses TCM formulas and treatments that vary based on the defining symptoms a...
The Change of Seasons - Preparing for Autumn
Autumn is the season of metal, which governs organization, storage, setting limits and protecting boundaries, and pertains to the Lung and Large Intestine organs. The Lung governs the Qi of the body, ...
Herb Processing at the Mayway Hebei Facility
In April the Mayway Hebei facility in Anguo opened its doors for tours for the first time and I was fortunate to be among the Mayway US staff that led the tour. My first impression as I walked into th...
How can Chinese medicine practitioners effectively advocate the safety and efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine?
Mayway Scholarship Essay: The globalization of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has focused attention on both the health promoting benefits of these medicinals as well as the potential ch...
Sustainability Issues of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine: Restricted Herb and Resource List
This is a list of restricted and/or prohibited Chinese herbs that cannot be exported from China or imported into the US. Some of these restrictions are only now being implemented and have not yet ...
Herbal Wisdom Over the Counter
I believe that some Chinese herbal remedies should be available for everyday ailments in a similar way to other simple, over the counter remedies, with stronger remedies available from a Chinese herba...
An Argument for Delaying the Availability of Over-the-Counter Chinese Herbal Formulas in the United States
In contemporary American culture, Chinese herbal formulas have their highest potential for patients in the U.S. when prescribed by a licensed herbalist. The traditional use of Chinese herbal formulas ...
Treatment of Headache with Chinese Medicine
Headache (tou tong 头痛)is pain in the head. Almost everyone will experience a headache at one time or another. As an isolated event in response to some postural, physical or emotional state, a headache...
Pediatric Acupuncture
Shonishin is a pediatric method of acupressure, massage, and needling that was developed in Japan and based upon TCM theories that are 2000 years old.
Chinese Medicine Treatment of Rhinitis
Rhinitis, whether seasonal or perennial, is usually an allergic condition. In TCM terms we relate this concept to deficiency of wei qi. The wei (or protective) qi has its basis in Kidney yang and is d...
Best Before Dates & Chinese Herbs
We have tested and retested many of our herbs and extract powders over the years, and have found that even after 5 years or more, that the product is essentially unchanged in terms of many testing...
Fainting and Funny Turns: Part 2
This article is an excerpt from the Clinical Handbook of Internal Medicine: The Treatment of Disease with Traditional Chinese Medicine, Volume 3 by Will Maclean and Jane Lyttleton. It is being pre...
Equus asinus and the Endangered Species Act
Most ē jiāo comes from donkeys raised as domestic livestock in Shandong province in the People’s Republic of China. Donkeys are primarily used for transport either for riding, packing of goods, or pul...
Letter From a Customer Regarding Gluten
The appearance of our Shu di huang has nothing to do with the gluten aspect of the herb, the round appearance has everything to do with the way the Sheng di huang (Rehmania glutinosa root – raw) is sl...
Herb Identification and Authentication
Have you ever wondered how we determine if the herbs that we are supplying you for your patients are the correct species? That they are not inferior or toxic herbs that are being substituted for the t...
Administering Herbs to Children
One series of questions that the Mayway Herbal Consultants consistently receive relates to administering Chinese herbs to children. Many practitioners in the field know that Chinese medicine can be he...
2020: Year of the Metal Rat
Welcome to the Year of the Rat! Not only is 2020 the start of a new decade, but in Chinese astrology, the Rat is the start of a new twelve year cycle. There are twelve animals in the Chinese Zod...
Coronavirus Effects on Our Herb Supply
Many of you have inquired as to if/how the coronavirus situation in China will affect our supply of herbs. We have been in regular contact with our suppliers and manufacturers since news of the outbre...
Coronavirus: CE Course Modern Research from Traditional Chinese Medicine
In this 2 hour continuing education distant learning course taught by Michael McCulloch, L.Ac., MPH, PhD Epidemiologist, we will review modern Traditional Chinese Medicine cold and flu research, herbs...
Lung Clearing & Detoxifying Soup for Troubling Times
A complex understanding of how the physical environment influences the human body is central to Chinese medical thought and is a hallmark of its’ sophisticated view of health and disease. From the e...
Herb Supply April 2020 Update
Our manufacturers and suppliers in China are in operation and are working over-time to fulfill our orders. For products that are out of stock or that have low inventory, we are working with suppliers ...
Protect them with Jade Windscreen
For countless generations, Jade Windscreen (Yu Ping Feng San) has been utilized to address surface deficiency patterns that lead to aversion to wind and frequent invasions of common pathogenic influen...
Deep Dive on 3 Lung Formulas
In TCM terms, we say the Lung is the “tender organ” because it is directly exposed to the environment via the respiratory process and in its role in regulating the exterior. A wide variety of external...
Restful Sleep Formulas
When the Shen, frequently translated as “Mind”, is disturbed this can cause someone to experience sleep complications. We will take a deeper look at three formulas for Calming the Shen that lead to a ...
A message from the I Ching and from Us
"The Book of Changes contains the measure of Heaven and Earth; therefore, it enables us to comprehend the Tao of Heaven and Earth and its order. Looking forward, we contemplate with its help th...
The Great Harmonizing Prescription: Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Harmonizing is one of the eight treatment methods used in traditional Chinese medicine. In the contemporary practice of TCM, harmonizing prescriptions fall into four sub-categories: Shao Yang disord...
Master Tung's Magic Points & Cupping in the Aftermath of the Coronavirus
Many acupuncturists are gradually reopening their practices. At the same time, a second wave of COVID-19 is sweeping through the country as people are becoming impatient with sanitation protocols and ...
On the Road to Recovery
As we slowly re-open our clinics, there are a few reasons to feel optimistic while still being cautious and very careful. Whether patients have had the virus or not, bodies, hearts and minds have c...
The Cost of Making Hay While the Sun Shines
During these times of isolation and physical separation, we like to make the best of it and take advantage when an opportunity presents. Sometimes, "Making Hay While the Sun Shines" comes ...
Essential Travel Formulas
No matter your type or time of travel, the family First-Aid kit is an essential item. Though the standard First-aid kit contains the usual emergency care items, traditional Chinese medicine has it...
Strengthening Children's Resistance to Illness
As the summer gives way to fall and the lingering challenges posed by the current pandemic remain, we as parents and practitioners are naturally focused on protecting our children's health ...
Lung and Throat Protecting Soup
Figs are one of the oldest cultivated crops throughout the world, and often said to be a symbol of peace, abundance and prosperity. Dried figs hold a special place in this delicious fall rec...
Musculoskeletal Discomfort Formulas
As with all clinical treatment, syndrome pattern differentiation is essential. With musculoskeletal complaints, we need to discern whether muscle or connective tissues, including tendons and ligam...
Wind and Cold Damp Bi
One of the most common reasons that patients seek treatment from licensed acupuncturists is for musculoskeletal aches and mild pain (Tòng 痛), both acute and chronic. There may also be decreased ra...
2021 - Year of the Metal Ox
The Lunar New Year in 2021 brings us the Year of the Metal Ox. After 2020, I’m sure we’re all glad to say goodbye to the pesky Rat! Let’s analyze what the Ox has in store. According to Chinese p...
泰 Tài / Tranquility/Peace
The Chinese New Year begins on midnight on the day of the second (or third) new moon following the winter solstice. This year it is February 12th. The hexagram associated with the first month and ...
Ci Wu Jia for Vitality and Recovery
Mark Frost discusses Ci Wu Jia, also known as Eleuthero and “Siberian Ginseng.” Ci wu jia is classified as a Qi tonic. Its nature is spicy, slightly bitter, and warm, entering the Spleen, Heart and ...
Zhi Bai Di Huang Tang for Hot Flashes
Menopause is the phase in a woman’s life during which she transitions from a reproductive to a non-reproductive stage. Literally, the word is used to indicate the permanent cessation of menstruati...
Health Tips for the Dragon Boat Festival
The Dragon Boat Festival 端午節 (for 2021, it falls on Monday, June 14th) is not only about boat races and delicious rice dumplings, but since ancient times was a time to focus on health. The luna...
Case Study: Kidney Yang Deficiency or Liver Yang Rising?
Acupuncturist Skye Sturgeon reviews a case study of a 68-year-old male whose chief complaint was cold feet, intermittent low back pain, and chronic tinnitus. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment...
Cordyceps Cs-4: A Sustainable Alternative
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine principles, Dōng chóng xià cǎo gently tonifies the Kidney Yang and augments Jing/Essence, nourishes the Lung Yin, supports the protective Qi, transforms P...
Patent Medicines in China
Mayway President Yvonne Lau discusses Patent Medicines in China with Mr. Han Jian Li regarding the TCM industry, manufacturing challenges, and the impact of COVID-19.
Sustainability of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions unde...
2022 - Year of the Water Tiger
The Lunar New Year in 2022 brings us the Year of the Water Tiger. Lunar New Year 2022 arrives on February 1st and brings us the Year of the Yang Water Tiger. You may also see it referred to as t...
TCM Heat and Inflammation
Latent heat (潜热 qiánrè) as a Chinese medicine concept has ancient origins dating to the Huangdi Nei Jing and the Shang Han Lun, first appearing in Chapters 3 and 5 of the Su Wen. It was used to expl...
Endometriosis: Support from Chinese Medicine
Endometriosis affects 10% of people who menstruate every year, and that’s just the people who get a formal diagnosis. Endometriosis a very painful menstrual condition in which the uterine lining (en...
Atherosclerosis and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Heart disease remains the number one cause of death in the United States and worldwide, closely followed by cancer, and then COVID-19. In this article, the risk factors of coronary artery dise...
Profile of Transfeminine Care in the TCM Clinic
Count the number of transgender people you are knowingly familiar with in your daily life. Now, count how many transgender patients you knowingly have in your practice. Bonus points if you got past ...
Inclusion in Your TCM Practice
LGBTQI patients are more likely to have had a negative experience with a previous healthcare practitioner–anything from the practitioner using the wrong name to refusing to treat them unless they ...
Five Spirits, Five Paths
cPTSD is different from PTSD in that it is not so much associated with the trauma or reaction to outward events, but instead manifests inwardly - how we see and think about ourselves - and as a ...
Safety Concerns of Talc
We have an ongoing commitment to FDA (Food and Drug Administration) compliance and transparency, especially regarding disclosures and the labeling of our products. This is why talc appears on the ...
Supply Update Fall 2022
Eva Lau, Vice President of Mayway Herbs, provides an update on the supply chain for Chinese herbal medicine including overviews of climate change and storm impact on current and future supply.
2023 - Year of the Water Rabbit
The Lunar New Year arrives on January 22nd and brings us the Year of the Yin Water Rabbit. You may also see it referred to as the Black Rabbit since black is the color of Water. What does the Rabb...
Infertility - Male and Female Case Study
This article is an excerpt from Master Tung’s Magic Points: The Clinician’s Best Friend, soon to be published by Susan Johnson and Eric Renaud. The topic of fertility treatment is more pertinent ...
Purple Patch Wind, Zi Dian Feng: Lichen Planus Case Study
One percent of the world suffers from a skin disease that has been recognized and treated by Chinese medicine (CM) for roughly 1000 Years. These patients lose their sleep and ability to concentr...
TCM in Palliative and End of Life Care
Dr. Kim Peirano discusses the use of East Asian medicine for improving quality of life of terminal patients. The role of Chinese medicine and acupuncture in palliative and end of life care is by no ...
Exploring Fresh Local Food-Herbs
We highlight several easy to source Chinese medicinal herbs that are also excellent culinary herbs. Chinese dietary therapy emphasizes the concept of Yao Shi Tong Yuan 药食同源 “medicine and food have t...
Severe Drought Affects 2009 and 2010 Herb Harvests
Most of China's prime herb growing regions have been affected by a once in a century drought over the last two years. Drought during the 2008/2009 season severely impacted herbs grown in Gansu, S...
Back to School - A TCM Clinician's Perspective
Amy Mager, L.Ac. discusses a look at preparing children and families for the upcoming school year, methods to prepare our immune systems, and options for addressing illness if an attack occurs.
Flower Bone Points for Aging Eyes (Hua Gu Yi)
Susan Johnson, L.Ac. discusses Flower Bone points and herbal formulas for aging eyes. Master Tung’s Points known as 55.02 Flower Bone One is the most extraordinary point pattern Susan has used for e...
Navigating Holiday Eating - Healing the Yi Spirit
Self-healing principles are about making small changes consistently, keeping promises we make for ourselves, learning to set clear boundaries, and healing our relationship with food. The key here ...
2024 Year of the Wood Dragon
Every year is either Yin or Yang, and they alternate. Since 2023 was a Yin year, 2024 is a Yang year. If we know the natures of Yin and Yang, we know that generally, Yang is faster, brighter, more...
Novel Formulas for Releasing the Exterior: 2024
Recent 2024 reports show virus numbers surging. These 11 prescription templates have been created to help frame custom formulas for your patients. These formulas were extracted from the National Hea...
Preparing for Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year, traditionally called Chūn Jié 春節 or “Spring Festival” is the most important holiday in Chinese culture. 15 days long, it is a celebration of the renewal of life, a time for ri...
Chinese New Year Holiday Traditions
The Spring Festival is celebrated for 15 days, complete with activities, superstitions, gatherings and festivals. It is an ancient holiday which has developed over eons and while many customs are...
Hair Loss and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Throughout all cultures, abundant hair has been seen as a sign of radiant health, as well as fertility and virility. This is also true in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), as the quantity and qual...
Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis & Topical Steroid Withdrawal Case Studies & Treatment (Part 2)
This article is Part 2 in the discussion of topical steroid withdrawal, eczema, and atopic dermatitis. David Heron shows the progression of an 18-year-old man who presented with skin rashes, crack...
Second Trimester: The Fourth Month
Raven Lang, L.Ac., O.M.D. incorporates her midwifery and traditional medicine (both American and Asian) into her discussion of the Fourth Month of gestation. She discusses ancient writings and how...
Er Long Zuo Ci Wan and Tinnitus
Er long Zuo Ci Wan, also known as Tinnitus Left Supporting Pills, is discussed in support of tinnitus caused by insufficient Kidney and Liver Yin with Deficiency Heat and Liver Yang Rising.
Chinese Herb-Drug Interactions
Many are using traditional Chinese herbal medicine alongside prescription COVID-19 drugs. But can these therapies mix safely? In this article, Dr. Skye Sturgeon explores potential interactions betwe...
Herb Story: Zi Su Ye (Perilla Leaf)
Zi Su Ye is an herb commonly served with fish in sushi restaurants. Read this entertaining and educational herb story that's all about Perilla Leaf and its usefullness for tummy troubles!
Osteoporosis and TCM
More than 200 million people worldwide suffer from osteoporosis - a skeletal disorder characterized as loss of bone mass. Learn how traditional Chinese medicine can support this condition along with...
Male Menopause Syndrome - Andropause
The physical, mental, cognitive and other symptoms that men manifest as they change from young adults to middle-aged then elderly people are collectively known as "male menopausal syndrome&qu...
TCM for Shingles / Herpes Zoster Virus
Shingles often arises in immune-deficient patients, the elderly, and people taking immunosuppressant drugs. Having shingles is a horrific experience. If a patient suffers a severe case, they wil...
Supply Chain Update - July 2024
Eva Lau, VP of Operations of Mayway, provides an update on the herb market in China and explains price fluctuations of Chinese medicinal herbs.
I Ching Reading for Fall Equinox 2024
The hexagram associated with the Autumnal Equinox is #58 Lake. It is one of the eight hexagrams that are doubled trigrams, in this case Lake over Lake. The hexagram itself shows two strong...
China Tung Hsueh Wan & Blood Stagnation
China Tung Hsueh Wan, also known as ‘China Unblock Blood Pills’ / Zhōngguó Tōng Xuè Wán (中國通血丸) is a modern formula particularly designed for the treatment of occasional moderate pain or chroni...
2025 Year of the Yin Wood Snake
Discover what the Year of the Yin Wood Snake brings in terms of energy, opportunities, and challenges. With Fire and Wood elements influencing the year, we'll see rapid innovation, transforma...
Pregnancy Support for Women Over 40
Not every woman is ready or able to have a baby during her prime reproductive years. Real considerations that affect her decision to have a child are her career, support system, relationship status,...