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News Archive
News Archive May 10, 2013 No more 'best before' dates on pow...
CHTA of Northern CA meeting on Endangered and Prot...
CHTA of Northern CA meeting on Endangered and Protected Species November 2010   On August 10...
Calm Spirit Name Change
Plum Flower Serene Spirit Teapills® replaces Calm Spirit Te...
Mayway Debuts New Bamboo Pharmacy Line
Mayway Debuts New Bamboo Pharmacy Line November 21, 20...
Mayway's Response to NY State Attorney Herb T...
Mayway's Response to NY Attorney General's Herb T...
No more best before dates
No More 'Best Before' Dates on Powder Extracts M...
Response to Dietary Supplement with Heavy Metals
Mayway's Response to article "Dietary Supplement ...
Save the Tiger Campaign
Save the Tiger Campaign Laura Stropes, L.Ac. October 2001 Mayway has joined the World Wildli...
Yunnan Baiyao Discontinued
Yunnan Baiyao Discontinued June 6, 2013   Dear Customers, ...
Mayway’s Response to Ted Kaptchuk’s Open Letter
Mayway’s Response to Ted Kaptchuk’s Open Letter Dear Friends and Valued Customers, Thanks ver...
Honey/Bee Products Update
Honey/Bee Products Update March 2003 We have received the Chloramphenicol testing results for o...
Mayway's response to article: Beware of Count...
Mayway's response to article: Beware of Counterfeits that Contain Lead And Mercury June 200...
Beware of Counterfeits that Contain Lead And Mercu...
Beware of Counterfeits that Contain Lead And Mercury June 2006 The New York City Department o...
Honey/Bee Products Caution Statement
Honey/Bee Products Caution Statement February 2003 We have recently become aware that the U.S...
Newsletter Archives Sign up for Mayway's Newsletter fo...
Pacific Symposium 2021 Course Replay
Watch these Presentations Again! During the 2021 Pacific Symposium, M...
October 2024 Price Increase
2024 Price Increase Notice September 18, 2024 Dear Valued ...
About Mayway
About Mayway Mayway’s mission is to advance the quality of Chin...
Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions Mayway Corporation is a duly authorized Califo...
Privacy Policy
Mayway is committed to protecting the privacy and accuracy of your c...
Employment Opportunities Contribute your skills to the growin...
Heavy Metals, Chinese Herbs & California'...
Heavy Metals, Chinese Herbs & California's Proposition ...
Mayway News Latest News February 19, 2021 A price increase ...
Product Safety Update
Product Safety Update August 2007 With the recent rise in alarming rep...
Chinese New Year Open House 2018
Mayway Invites You to a Chinese New Year Open House February 15...
Welcome to Mayway's Podcast "Chinese Medicine Matter...
Welcome Qiological Visitors
Welcome Qiological Visitors! Join Mayway's...
Welcome Acupuncture Today Visitors!
Welcome Acupuncture Today Visitors! Join Mayway&#...
AWB Update: Responding to Hurricanes, Shootings and Wildfires
Acupuncturists Without Borders has never been called upon to respond to so many disasters as we have this fall. Hurricane Harvey in Texas, Hurricane Irma in Florida, Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, th...
AWB Update: Healing Community Trauma: Empowering Acupuncturists to Transform Their Communities
"Acupuncturists Without Borders' (AWB) vision is to help build stable, peaceful, global communities. Knowing that unresolved trauma can have repercussions for decades, we train acupuncturist...
Chinese Herbs & Pesticides
The pesticide issue is real and Mayway is appreciative of Greenpeace’s recent article raising the alarm, but it is more complicated than either Greenpeace’s or Harvard’s recent studies ...
Herb Identification and Authentication
Have you ever wondered how we determine if the herbs that we are supplying you for your patients are the correct species? That they are not inferior or toxic herbs that are being substituted for the t...
Sustainability of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions unde...
Safety Concerns of Talc
We have an ongoing commitment to FDA (Food and Drug Administration) compliance and transparency, especially regarding disclosures and the labeling of our products. This is why talc appears on the ...
Longevity, TCM and The Hallmarks of Aging
This article discusses longevity, quality of life, and what factors affect aging populations.
Navigating Holiday Eating - Healing the Yi Spirit
Self-healing principles are about making small changes consistently, keeping promises we make for ourselves, learning to set clear boundaries, and healing our relationship with food. The key here ...
Chinese Herb-Drug Interactions
Many are using traditional Chinese herbal medicine alongside prescription COVID-19 drugs. But can these therapies mix safely? In this article, Dr. Skye Sturgeon explores potential interactions betwe...
The Chinese Herb Garden
Many of us are drawn to study and practice Chinese medicine in part due to the wisdom held by such quiet observation and an intuitive understanding that it is a more sustainable way of healing a...
A Clinical and Philosophical Exploration of Jing 精
Jīng 精 is said to be the vital essence that sustains both physical and mental energy, forming the core of our constitutional health. According to the CM system, Jing is housed in the Kidneys, an...
Our Quest for Organic Chinese Medicinal Herbs
Obviously, the idea of having organic Chinese herbs is very appealing, and over the years many customers have asked us why we didn’t carry them. What most of our newer customers don’t know is that we ...
Pacific Symposium Updates 2017
Ideas are sparked every year at Pacific Symposium, and this year was no exception. It’s an event that attracts leaders and innovators in traditional Chinese medicine from across the country and beyond...
The Year of the Earth Dog and its Clinical Implications
In February, we celebrate Chinese New Year and begin the Year of the Yang Earth Dog. What does this mean for you and your patients? In this article we explore the energetics of the year, how they infl...
Trip to Bozhou, Part 1: Chinese Medicine City
Bozhou is home to arguably the largest Chinese herb market in the world. Estimated to have over 1 million mu (almost 165,000 acres) of herb cultivation, with 1 million people engaged in the planting, ...
Consultant’s Corner: Determining the Right Dosage for Your Patient
Although Chinese medicine is an herb-based tradition and is regulated in the United States as “food supplements”, as practitioners we know that it is nonetheless still medicine. In China most prepared...
Grow your Acupuncture Practice With Writing
Is there something about traditional Chinese medicine that’s sparked your interest lately, or that you’ve become passionate about over the years? Writing about it could do a lot more than you might ...
Teapill Upgrades: New Technology for TCM at Lanzhou Foci
On June 22, fifty-foot tall red banners celebrated the transition to next level teapill manufacturing in Lanzhou. Lanzhou Foci, the maker of Min Shan® and most of our Plum Flower® teapills, reached a...
Are You Under-Prescribing Extract Powders?
One of the common questions to our consultants from clinicians is regarding the recommended dosages for our extract powder formulas and single herbs. What is the extract powder dosage equivalent of si...
Moxa Strengthens the Kidneys and Mingmen Fire
Moxa is an excellent way to deeply warm the body, more important now, as we head into fall and winter. In fact, between the change of seasons, there is a two to four week period referred to as “Moxa S...
A Growing Conversation for Domestic Production 2016
The Chinese Medicinal Herb Farm in Northern California, is primarily an educational and research farm and to date have grown out more than 260 different Chinese herb crops. Herb quality, ecological cu...
Changes in Herbal Medicines from Ancient Times to the Present
The classical literature of Chinese medicine remains highly relevant in the modern era, as many of the basic theories and herbal combinations emphasized in clinical practice were first established in ...
Comment on the NY Attorney General’s recent investigation of herbal supplements
In the news recently was an article involving dietary supplements that has attracted a lot of attention. The New York State Attorney issued cease-and-desist letters to four national retail chains, dem...
Pediatric Shonishin Case Study: A Full Childhood
I shall call the child Levi. He first came to me at 21 months of age and stopped coming when he was getting ready to finish high school and already on his way to college. Levi’s mother called me on th...
2016: Treating Patients in the Year of the the Fire Monkey
Chinese New Year is February 8th this year, the beginning of the year of the fire, or red, monkey. As acupuncturists, how can we prepare for the patients we’ll be seeing this year, simply by knowing t...
Releasing Trauma: Considering Late- versus Early-Onset in the Treatment of PTSD
A common archetype of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (or PTSD) is the aging, war-torn veteran, but in an era of constant and intimate exposure to tragic imagery and social injustice from across ...
Hypothesis on the Purpose of Domestication of Prunus persica Dated to 8,000 BP (Before Present) at Kuahuqiao, Zhejiang Province
Recent research has arisen that, seen through the eyes of this author, suggests we can now confidently move the date of the history of herbal medicine back beyond 5,000 years to at least 8,000 yea...
Update on the Acupuncturists Without Borders Nepal Earthquake Relief Project
Due to AWB’s ongoing work in Nepal, a trauma healing “infrastructure” has been put in place, with trained practitioners already on the ground. This is a huge gift to Nepal’s recovery. AWB Nepal practi...
How can Chinese medicine practitioners effectively advocate the safety and efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine?
Mayway Scholarship Essay: The globalization of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has focused attention on both the health promoting benefits of these medicinals as well as the potential ch...
Treatment of Obesity with Chinese Medicine
Obesity (fei pang 肥胖) is on the rise worldwide and is the most common nutrition related disorder in the developed world. Most commonly it is associated with an increase in the energy value and...
Sustainability Issues of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine: Restricted Herb and Resource List
This is a list of restricted and/or prohibited Chinese herbs that cannot be exported from China or imported into the US. Some of these restrictions are only now being implemented and have not yet ...
An Argument for Delaying the Availability of Over-the-Counter Chinese Herbal Formulas in the United States
In contemporary American culture, Chinese herbal formulas have their highest potential for patients in the U.S. when prescribed by a licensed herbalist. The traditional use of Chinese herbal formulas ...
Chinese Herbal Medicine: More Than the Sum of its Parts
Western medicine and traditional medicine are as different as they are similar. Down to their very ideological roots - science and the ancient healing arts always seem to be having the same conversati...
Treatment of Headache with Chinese Medicine
Headache (tou tong 头痛)is pain in the head. Almost everyone will experience a headache at one time or another. As an isolated event in response to some postural, physical or emotional state, a headache...
Equus asinus and the Endangered Species Act
Most ē jiāo comes from donkeys raised as domestic livestock in Shandong province in the People’s Republic of China. Donkeys are primarily used for transport either for riding, packing of goods, or pul...
Fainting and Funny Turns: Part 1
Fainting is a sudden, brief loss of consciousness. The episode may be preceded by a variety of symptoms such as dizziness, hyperventilation, the feeling that one is sinking, or that everything is ...
Letter From a Customer Regarding Gluten
The appearance of our Shu di huang has nothing to do with the gluten aspect of the herb, the round appearance has everything to do with the way the Sheng di huang (Rehmania glutinosa root – raw) is sl...
Qi Ye Lian and Oxalic Acid
In November, 2011, we received communication from a veterinarian about a dog that was receiving one of Mayway’s herbal formulas. The circumstances resulted in an adverse event report. At Mayway, we lo...
Thoughts, observations and the classical Chinese medicine view: The first trimester of pregnancy
The classic writings I quote are taken from the Zhubing Yuanhuo Lun, the Mawangdui, and Sun Si Miao. They will offer you the ability to contemplate the first three of the ten lunar months of pregnan...
The Effects of the Use of Sulfites and Sulfur Fumigation
There are well documented effects and adverse effects regarding the creation and use of sulfur dioxide and sulfites on the environment, on the food we eat, and in the production of wine. In this artic...
Autumn Rain Teapills for Dry Cough
Dr. Wu Ju-Tong created Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Wan as a variation of Mai Men Dong Tang with the intention of treating dry cough in the Autumn. It was first published in his Systematic Differentiation of...
Coronavirus Effects on Our Herb Supply
Many of you have inquired as to if/how the coronavirus situation in China will affect our supply of herbs. We have been in regular contact with our suppliers and manufacturers since news of the outbre...
Novel Formulas for Releasing the Exterior
We have added 17 new prescription templates for our practitioners to use for creating customized formulas for their patients. Several formulas were created by Michael McCulloch of the Pine Street Foun...
Virtual Practice Ideas
As practitioners are closing their clinics for the safety of all, many are left wondering if their businesses will survive. Trying times call for creative measures. We have tips on how to evolve to co...
Ling Zhi: Mushroom of Immortality
Ling Zhi (Reishi) is one of the most recognized Chinese herbs, both in appearance and in its many significant medicinal properties. It has been used for thousands of years to enhance health, clear min...
Helpful Tips on Using Mayway Herbs' Prescription Service
As the needs of patients are becoming more specialized, the demand for custom herbal formulas is on the rise. We've created tips for using our Dispensary service, links to a fillable decoction in...
Master Tung's Magic Points & Cupping in the Aftermath of the Coronavirus
Many acupuncturists are gradually reopening their practices. At the same time, a second wave of COVID-19 is sweeping through the country as people are becoming impatient with sanitation protocols and ...
Case Study: Treatment for “Fen Ci” (粉刺) with TCM
Chinese herbal medicine can be very helpful to control one of the most common skin conditions in the world, known in traditional Chinese medicine as Fen Ci (粉刺) or “white thorns”, which can have a...
Inventory Updates & Offers
Catch up on inventory updates on some of your favorite products and find out when our popular calendars will arrive!
Congee Recipe for Beautiful Skin
Congee is a nourishing and comforting porridge, regarded to be particularly beneficial for its recuperative properties, often enhanced with herbs for specific functions that are added to the porridg...
Wind and Cold Damp Bi
One of the most common reasons that patients seek treatment from licensed acupuncturists is for musculoskeletal aches and mild pain (Tòng 痛), both acute and chronic. There may also be decreased ra...
Dosage Considerations of Extract Powders and Granules
Our Herbal Consultants are often asked about recommendations for dosing extract powders. Skye Sturgeon, DAOM, L.Ac. discusses the history of herbal extract powders, dosage calculation examples...
Herbalist Corner - Yu Zhu & Bei Sha Shan
Mark Frost, Herbal Chair at American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTCM) joins highlights 2 important herbs that Nourish the Yin. Yu Zhu and Bei Sha Shen are compared including their...
Black Chicken Soup for Pregnancy
We're sharing a delicious and time-honored family recipe. It contains nutrients derived from pork and black chicken, as well as tonifying herbs to promote a woman’s optimal health during pregna...
Zhi Bai Di Huang Tang for Hot Flashes
Menopause is the phase in a woman’s life during which she transitions from a reproductive to a non-reproductive stage. Literally, the word is used to indicate the permanent cessation of menstruati...
Three Herb Formulas for Food Stagnation
Food stagnation corresponds to indigestion or an upset stomach. Food stagnation is not a disease but rather a variety of symptoms that are experienced; including mild abdominal pain or cramping and ...
Fall 2021 Herb Report
Yvonne Lau of Mayway Herbs provides an update on the Chinese herb industry including economic pressures, harvest, and supply challenges.
Autumn Equinox Soup
As we begin to prepare for Autumn and Winter, it is important to nourish the Metal element by adding more Yin foods to protect us from the dryness of the season. Plus, we LOVE figs! Figs are one o...
Charlotte Maxwell Integrated Cancer Clinic
Charlotte Maxwell Clinic (CMC), the Oakland, CA-based nonprofit women’s clinic, is celebrating 30 years of providing free access to compassionate integrative care, including acupuncture, herbs, body...
2022 - Year of the Water Tiger
The Lunar New Year in 2022 brings us the Year of the Water Tiger. Lunar New Year 2022 arrives on February 1st and brings us the Year of the Yang Water Tiger. You may also see it referred to as t...
Tyger Tyger, Not So Burning Bright
2022 is the Year of the Tiger, and an update on the preservation of this magnificent animal seems fitting. Yvonne Lau, President of Mayway, discusses the current status of tiger conservation with ...
Four Treatment Principles, Three Formulas, Two Years Later
We receive many inquiries about the latest information coming from China, and for the past two years, a sizable portion of questions have been pandemic-related. This article will answer some of thos...
Profile of Transfeminine Care in the TCM Clinic
Count the number of transgender people you are knowingly familiar with in your daily life. Now, count how many transgender patients you knowingly have in your practice. Bonus points if you got past ...
Five Spirits, Five Paths
cPTSD is different from PTSD in that it is not so much associated with the trauma or reaction to outward events, but instead manifests inwardly - how we see and think about ourselves - and as a ...
Exploring Blood and Immunity in TCM
There is often a tendency in TCM education to equate the TCM concept of Wèi Qì (衞氣) with the immune system and this leads to oversimplification and misunderstanding. In traditional Chinese medicin...
Universal Holistic Healthcare 2023 Update
Universal Holistic Healthcare is a 501c3 that works to promote integrative healthcare services to underserved and under-resourced communities both domestically in the United States and globally. The...
Purple Patch Wind, Zi Dian Feng: Lichen Planus Case Study
One percent of the world suffers from a skin disease that has been recognized and treated by Chinese medicine (CM) for roughly 1000 Years. These patients lose their sleep and ability to concentr...
IVF and Queer Couples: A Practitioner's Perspective
Western studies have confirmed the efficacy of acupuncture for fertility outcomes. For over 20 years, Rachel Blunk, L.Ac., has worked with reproductive endocrinologists to help improve fertility...
Severe Drought Affects 2009 and 2010 Herb Harvests
Most of China's prime herb growing regions have been affected by a once in a century drought over the last two years. Drought during the 2008/2009 season severely impacted herbs grown in Gansu, S...
Herb Supply & Sustainability Update October, 2023
Updates in years past have usually emphasized the impacts of global demand and government regulations on herb supply. These challenges continue, but moving to the forefront this year is the role of c...
Taoist Qigong with Dr. Alex Feng
Dr. Alex Feng, licensed acupuncturist and Taoist master, leads students in this video demonstration showing head and neck Qi Gong.
I Ching Reading for 2024
Following the celestial pivot of the Solstice, there is a return to the beginning. Thus, the next hexagram in the sequence is Wú wàng, which literally means “not any delusion”. Wú means “without any...
Novel Formulas for Releasing the Exterior: 2024
Recent 2024 reports show virus numbers surging. These 11 prescription templates have been created to help frame custom formulas for your patients. These formulas were extracted from the National Hea...
Hair Loss and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Throughout all cultures, abundant hair has been seen as a sign of radiant health, as well as fertility and virility. This is also true in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), as the quantity and qual...
Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis & Topical Steroid Withdrawal (Part 1)
Eczema is a broad term used to describe numerous related but different conditions involving redness, inflammation, itching of the skin, possibly scaling and occasionally the presence of vesicles...
Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis & Topical Steroid Withdrawal Case Studies & Treatment (Part 2)
This article is Part 2 in the discussion of topical steroid withdrawal, eczema, and atopic dermatitis. David Heron shows the progression of an 18-year-old man who presented with skin rashes, crack...
Second Trimester: The Fourth Month
Raven Lang, L.Ac., O.M.D. incorporates her midwifery and traditional medicine (both American and Asian) into her discussion of the Fourth Month of gestation. She discusses ancient writings and how...
Er Long Zuo Ci Wan and Tinnitus
Er long Zuo Ci Wan, also known as Tinnitus Left Supporting Pills, is discussed in support of tinnitus caused by insufficient Kidney and Liver Yin with Deficiency Heat and Liver Yang Rising.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and TCM
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a very common part of many people’s menstrual cycles, but what does it mean when PMS is so severe that it's negatively impacting someone's life? Premenst...
Treating Blood & Jing in Male Fertility
Infertility is clinically defined in women and men who cannot achieve pregnancy after one year of having intercourse without using birth control, occurring in approximately 15% of heterosexual cou...
Supply Chain Update - July 2024
Eva Lau, VP of Operations of Mayway, provides an update on the herb market in China and explains price fluctuations of Chinese medicinal herbs.
Acne: The Bane of Teenage Existence
Discover how TCM dermatology offers effective solutions for treating teenage acne, addressing both the physical and emotional challenges it brings. This case study provides insights for teens an...
I Ching for 2025
The coming year augurs a sea change in American society. A near majority of voters have voted for substantial change to the way the country’s leaders govern. Our American Experiment continues, and...
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