Majestic Yang Teapills
Article updated June 5, 2023
Mayway Herbs is pleased to reintroduce Plum Flower™ Majestic Yang Teapills, also known as Xiong Wei Da Bu Wan 雄偉大補丸 (MW# 3201.) Majestic Yang Teapills endeavors to treat various deficiencies by tonifying Yang, strengthening Qi and Blood, and nourishing Jing-essence. It is an intricate formula that, in addition to Yang tonic herbs, contains herbs to tonify and nourish Yin, Blood, Essence, and Qi. It was created to provide practitioners with another option for a wide range of deficiency patterns, particularly relevant in this post pandemic era where so many folks may have been struggling with long term illnesses.
Among the chief Yang tonic herbs, there is Xu duan and Bai ji tian, both of which are salt fried to reinforce their Kidney tonification properties and to nourish the Yin. In addition, Bai ji tian augments Jing/essence and expels Wind Damp Bi, and Xu duan gently invigorates blood. Stir-fried Gu sui bu tonifies the Kidneys and anchors floating Yang. Du Zhong tonifies the Liver and Kidneys and strengthens sinews and bones. Yin yang huo is an acrid, sweet, and warm herb that tonifies the Kidney Yang and the fire of the Gate of Vitality. Although Yin yang huo is very drying, this is balanced by the Yin and Blood tonic herbs in the formula. Lu jiao jiao is a sweet, salty, warm herb that not only tonifies the Kidney Yang but also nourishes the blood and Jing-essence. In this formula, it has been processed with huang jiu (yellow rice wine) and soy oil to reinforce the herb’s ability to clear channel blockages, expel Wind and alleviate pain.
The Qi tonic herbs, Dang shen, Huang qi, and Bai zhu, act mostly to support the Lung and Spleen Qi. Shan yao and Huang jing also nourish Yin and secure and augment Jing/essence, and Gan cao functions to harmonize the complexity of the numerous herbs’ actions, while also guiding the herbs to all twelve channels.
The Blood tonics in the Majestic Yang formula include Dang gui, which gently disperses Cold and tonifies and harmonizes the Blood, especially when combined with Huang qi. Shu di huang and Gou qi zi nourish the Liver and Kidney Yin while tonifying Blood. In addition, Gou qi zi mildly tonifies Yang and benefits Jing/essence. Due to the potentially cloying nature of some of these tonic herbs, Fu ling and Mu gua are added to drain and transform Dampness and Mu gua also moderates Damp Bi.

When the patient’s presentation is primarily one of deficiency, symptoms that may indicate the usage of this formula include mild discomfort in the low back and knees, joint stiffness, weakness, occasional fatigue, loss of stamina, listlessness, weak voice, pale face, occasional sweating or chills, forgetfulness, poor memory, lack of will, frequent urination, occasional diarrhea with undigested food, abdominal distention, poor appetite, cold limbs, cold intolerance, decreased sex drive, and occasionally deficiency-based sleep disturbance. The stereotypical pulse is slow and deep, and the tongue may be pale and swollen, although variations of these signs may be present.
The standard dosage for this teapill formula is 8 pills, 3 x per day. Administer half an hour before or one hour after eating. In the initial phases, dosage may be increased to 8-12 pills 3 times per day, then reduced to a maintenance dose as the formula takes effect. Majestic Yang Teapills may be used long-term for several weeks to several months and may be used over the course of several years. This formula should be used with caution in Yin deficiency presenting without a preponderance of Yang deficiency.
This is a strongly tonifying formula that is contraindicated during the early stages of acute infection or illness, such as cold or flu and since it is intended to treat Yang deficiency, it is particularly contraindicated for conditions due to heat.
- Bensky, D. et al., Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd Edition, Eastland Press, Seattle, 2004.
- Chen, J. & Chen, T., Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology, Art of Medicine Press: 2004.
- Wrinkle, A. et al., A Practitioner’s Formula Guide, Elemental Essentials Press: 2008.
About the Author
![]() Skye is the Quality Assurance Manager and Special Consultant for Mayway, USA. Skye was the former Chair of Acupuncture & East Asian Medicine and core faculty member at Bastyr University, core faculty member and Faculty Council Chair at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and President and Senior Professor of the Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine College, Berkeley. Before making Chinese medicine his career choice, Skye held various positions in the Natural Foods Industry for 12 years and prior to that was a clinical biochemist and toxicologist. |