Article Submissions

Mayway Corp. Article Submission Terms and Conditions

The following are the Terms and Conditions by which Mayway Corporation, a California Corporation (‘Mayway’) will receive, consider, and may publish articles of interest to our professional acupuncture community through marketing channels including, but not limited to, the Mayway digital newsletter, website, and social media. If you are submitting an article for consideration, please read these Terms and Conditions and send an email to indicating your agreement to these terms along with the article and/or topic that you desire us to consider for publication.

The topics suitable for publication include case studies, formula analysis or comparisons, traditional Chinese medicine conditions, or any health issues of interest to practitioners.

Our main goal for the Newsletter is to further practitioner education and to share knowledge, research, and industry news within the TCM community. We also welcome lighter articles, such as updates from TCM-related non-profit organizations, herbal recipes, interesting case anecdotes, etc. Our Newsletter reaches more than 11,000 subscribers and is an excellent way for article authors to reach practitioners across the country. Articles are also shared on our websites, social media, and at tradeshows, broadening exposure.

Guidelines for article submissions:

  1. Submissions of approximately 2000-3000 words are encouraged. Longer articles may need to be published in two or more parts. If you are addressing a topic that requires a great deal of exposition, please submit individual articles (e.g., part 1, part 2, etc.) for consideration.
  2. Submissions of previously published material are acceptable if authored by you along with the consent, if required, from any prior publication. Please include a link to your prior publication, along with the name of the publication and the date of publication. Updated or revised versions of previously published articles do not require such consent.
  3. Include complete references and / or citations for all article submissions that rely on published research or other material that is not your own and is not readily known to the reader. References should be listed, alphabetically, at the end of the written text.
  4. Images, photos and graphics supplied by the author for inclusion in the article should be supplied as individual attachments with accompanying captions. Images should be high resolution, 300 dpi, 450 x 600 pixels or higher, preferably in .jpg or .tiff format. If you do not own the photo/image copyright, indicate if the photo/image is in the public domain or if the copyright owner’s consent is required. Include proof of that consent. If you do not have any photos/images to support your article, Mayway may (or may not) choose to select an image from its own library or from stock photo services.
  5. Enclose a current curriculum vitae and/or biography with your article submission, along with a quality photo/headshot.
  6. Do not submit articles that are commercial or promotional with respect to products outside of what Mayway carries. Any such references may be omitted or reworded in general terms. Articles that focus on proprietary techniques or products may be considered for publication, but permission from all relevant parties is required.
  7. Do not include ‘medical claims’ regarding an herbal remedy that may violate the FDA’s restrictions for marketing supplements, including herbal remedies, whether or not offered for sale by Mayway. Descriptive and structural TCM analysis is encouraged. For a better understanding of this complex issue, please read Claims and the FDA.

Mayway will:

  1. We will review all article submissions and each submitted article as soon as practicable. We will notify you by email if we intend to publish your submitted article. The decision to publish an article is exclusively at Mayway’s discretion, as is the date of publication, if published. Accepted articles are usually published within 3-5 months of acceptance. Our editorial panel considers a range of factors in determining if an article should be accepted for publication, including: the topic of the article; its relevancy to the profession and our readership; the qualifications of the author to speak on that topic; the quality of the writing including overall readability of the article; the uniqueness of the topic with respect to recently published articles and/or content already scheduled for publication; and space restrictions.
  2. Mayway has its own editorial conventions and style guidelines, especially regarding TCM nomenclature, and may edit accordingly:
    • TCM terms such as ‘Liver,’ ‘Heart,’ ‘Wind-damp,’ ‘Cold,’ etc. will be capitalized.
    • Pinyin will be italicized. Diacritical marks indicating tone may be added.
    • Botanical names will be listed with genus, species, and relevant plant part. The genus will be capitalized, and the species shall not, e.g., Angelica sinensis root.
    • The first letter of each syllable of formula names will be capitalized, e.g., ‘Xiao Yao San.’
    • Only the first letter of herb pinyin names will be capitalized, e.g., ‘Wang bu liu xing’ or ‘Dang gui’.
    • Chinese characters for specific TCM terms and historical reference texts may be added.
    • When referring specifically to ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine’ (TCM), all words shall be capitalized. This brand name refers to the medicine developed in China since 1950. Generally, when referring to diverse types of medicine, only proper nouns shall be capitalized. For examples, consider: ‘Chinese medicine’, ‘Chinese herbal medicine’, ‘classical Chinese medicine’, ‘traditional Chinese herbal medicine’, ‘Tibetan medicine’, ‘naturopathic medicine’, ‘biomedical medicine’, or ‘western medicine’.
    • In general, do not capitalize the names of diseases, generic names of prescription medications (Brand names of such should be capitalized), disorders, therapies, treatments, theories, concepts, hypotheses, principles, models, and statistical procedures, unless a person’s name or other proper noun is included in the reference. E.g., ‘pelvic inflammatory disease’ vs ‘Dupuytren's contracture’ or ‘Guillain-Barre syndrome’.
    • Double quotation marks (“) shall only be used for actual quotations of text or when quoting a reference or an author’s exact words. Double quotation marks are also used to indicate the title of a work (like the name of an article, song, or a poem). Titles of books or journals should be italicized. To indicate emphasis or show that a word is used as itself in a sentence, single quotation marks (‘) may be used. E.g. the phrase used above: “TCM terms such as ‘Liver,’ ‘Heart,’ ‘Wind-damp,’ ‘Cold,’ etc. will be capitalized.”
  3. Mayway reserves the right to edit content for clarity, readability, length, and legal compliance. We may choose to add photos or graphics of our choice or to delete photos or images that you have provided. We will not change the essential “voice” or the meaning of your article without consulting with you. If we cannot agree with you about such changes, we reserve the right to withdraw acceptance of your article.
  4. Presently, we provide an honorarium of $250.00 to authors of accepted and published articles.
  5. By submitting your article to Mayway for its consideration, you grant Mayway an irrevocable and non-exclusive license to publish your article or excerpts from it in any marketing channel Mayway desires, including our Newsletter, our websites, Mayway managed social media, and tradeshows as well as other promotional material of Mayway’s choice. You warrant that our publication of the article and its content will not violate the intellectual property rights of third parties. Nothing herein shall prevent you from publishing your article through other means except that you agree not to allow its publication by third parties until one year following Mayway’s acceptance of your article for publication. You are encouraged to share Mayway’s link to your article in your own website and social media following Mayway’s publication.
  6. Deadlines and Timelines. In general, submissions are due eight (8) weeks prior to publication date (if the publication date has been determined). The Mayway editor's initial editing timeframe is approximately ten (10) business days, after which the document will be sent back to the author (if changes were made) for acceptance and/or further editing. If the author chooses to make additional edits, the author will be granted five (5) business days to do so. The edited document will then be resubmitted to the Mayway editing team, who may require an additional ten business to review and edit the resubmitted article. The author will be granted an additional three (3) business days for final review for final approval or rejection of final edits prior to publishing.


  1. Authors may be asked to record their article for our “Chinese Medicine Matters” podcast:
    • Recordings should be made in environments and with equipment suitable to reduce background noise, reduce echo, and record crisp, clear audio. (Small rooms with a quality headset or microphone are usually sufficient.)
    • Recordings should be sent in MP3 format using any audio recording program the author is familiar with. The free version of Audacity recording software is easy to use and provides a quality recording if the author does not already have audio recording software.
    • If the author is unsure of their audio recording quality, we recommend sending a short clip (30-60 second test recording) to the Mayway staff prior to recording the entire podcast to receive feedback and tips.
    • The Mayway marketing staff will edit out errors, excessive pauses, and will make every effort to remove extra noises captured during recording prior to publishing.
  2. Presently, we offer an honorarium of $100.00 for podcast recordings.
  3. Recording by the author (or designate) is due 2 weeks prior to podcast publish date.

Please contact us for a list of preferred topics or to discuss this opportunity further. Feel free to suggest a subject that you may have in mind that we may have left off our list!

For guidance in submitting a formal case history, see our case history rubric which can be found here:

For an example of an article discussing how to differentiate between different herb formulas, see:

For an example of an article discussing a condition, see:

There are many other examples to inspire and guide you. To view other previously submitted articles, please visit our main articles page: or our newsletter archives:

Please contact us at to get started or with any questions. Thank you again for your interest, and we look forward to reading your submission!

banner showing information about the Mayway podcast called Chinese Medicine Matters for listening to articles
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