Mayway's Herb Processing Facility - Hebei

Mayway Hebei In 1996, we established our Mayway Hebei herb processing facility in the city of Anguo in Hebei, China. Anguo is the ancient Chinese herb “Capital” designated over 1,000 years ago during the Song Dynasty and is one of China’s largest market-places for herbs today. Mayway Hebei was created through the partnership and shared vision of two multi-generational Chinese medicine families - the Lau’s of Mayway USA and the Wang’s of Hua An Chinese Herb Company in Anguo. This joint enterprise is dedicated to providing high quality, safe and effective Chinese herbs on a foundation of fair and ethical business practices, social responsibility and environmental awareness.

As the demand for herbs continued to grow, our Hebei facility was expanded in 2008, and the Mayway Hebei campus is over 6.6 acres with separate manufacturing, quality control, and administrative buildings. Mayway Hebei’s 200,000 square foot manufacturing facility includes workshops for regular and toxic herb processing, extraction, and a Class 10,000 (ISO 7) clean production area. Our Quality Assurance Center is divided into microbiological, physical and chemical testing laboratories.

Mayway Hebei’s commitment to producing safe, high quality products begins with an understanding of and commitment to quality assurance. As a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified facility, Mayway Hebei follows strict protocols in every aspect of managing operations: from water quality, herb sourcing and processing, to extraction, quality control, and personnel training. Rigorous adherence to guidelines on production and quality management coupled with an innovative, dedicated and hardworking staff ensures the best possible products.

Mayway Hebei also helps educate growers on the importance of reducing pesticides, the necessity of thoughtful wildcrafting to minimize species endangerment, the hazards of sulfur dioxide processing and other quality issues.

Due to our pioneering efforts in the processing of herbs without the use of sulfur dioxide treatment (for which it won a national grant for innovation in the field), our Mayway Hebei processing location has been recognized by the provincial and local municipal governments as a “Model Enterprise” and has received numerous industry leader awards including “Top Chinese Medicine Enterprise”.

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