Yang Tonics Comparison

Ba Ji Yin Yang Ba Ji Yin Yang
Ba Ji Yin Yang Wan
Tonifies and Warms Kidney Yang, Nourishes Liver and Kidney Yin, Nourishes Blood, Restrains the Leakage of Fluids, Secures the Jing-essence Kidney Yang deficiency leading to instability in the lower jiao (burner). Dual Lung and Kidney deficiency. Tongue: pale, swollen, coat may be wet or slippery; Pulse: deep, weak, may be slow Ba ji tian, Shu di huang, Yin yang huo, Shan yao, Bai shao, Bu gu zhi, Xu duan, Lian zi, Shan zhu yu, Jin ying zi, Gou qi zi, Du zhong, Dang gui
Chong Cao Jun Si Jiao Nang Chong Cao Jun Si
Cordyceps Cs-4 Capsules
Tonifies Kidney Qi and Yang, Nourishes Lung and Kidney Yin, Tonifies Spleen and Lung Qi, Nourishes Blood, Benefits Jing, Transforms Phlegm. Kidney and Lung Qi, Yin and Yang deficiency. Tongue: pale if Qi and Yang deficiency are predominant, red if Yin deficiency is predominant, possibly swollen with cracks, teethmarks, with a scanty coat or no coat; Pulse: thin, weak, deep Paecilomyces hepiali Cs-4
Er Xian Wan Er Xian Tang
Two Immortals
Warms and Tonifies Kidney Yang, Tonifies Yin, Nourishes Jing-essence, Nourishes Liver Blood, Drains Kidney Fire, Regulates the Chong and Ren Channels Deficiency of Kidney Yin and Yang with deficiency fire and Liver Blood deficiency. Tongue: pale with a red tip, or red with a scanty coat; Pulse: small, rapid, deep, wiry Xian mao, Yin yang huo, Ba ji tian, Huang bai, Zhi mu, Dang gui
Ge Jie Da Bu Wan Ge Jie Da Bu Wan
Gecko Tonic Teapills
Tonifies the Five Zang Organs, Tonifies Yang, Strengthens Qi and Blood, Nourishes Jing-essence Qi and Yang deficiency of the Kidney Spleen and Lungs with Blood and Jing-essence deficiency. Tongue: pale, swollen; Pulse: deficient, deep, slow Shu di huang, Du zhong, Xu duan, Gu sui bu, Nu zhen zi, Huang jing, Dang shen, Ge jie, Dang gui, Gou qi zi, Huang qi, Fu ling, Shan yao, Ba ji tian, Mu gua, Gan cao, Bai zhu
Jin Gui Shen Qi Tang Jin Gui Shen Qi Tang
Golden Book Teapills
Warms and Tonifies Kidney Yang Kidney Yang deficiency. Tongue: pale and swollen, with a thin white, wet coat; Pulse: deep, slow, weak, may be faint in rear position Shu di huang, Shan yao, Shan zhu yu, Mu dan pi, Fu ling, Ze xie, Rou gui, Fu zi
Huan Shao Dan Huan Shao Dan
Return to Spring Teapills
Warms the Kidney, Strengthens Yang, Strengthens the Spleen, Nourishes the Heart, Nourishes Jing-essence, Preserves the Yin, Calms the Shen Kidney Yang deficiency. Tongue: pale with a slippery white coat; Pulse: deep, weak Da zao, Shu di huang, Gou qi zi, Bi xie, Fu ling, Suo yang, Xiao hui xiang, Ba ji tian, Du zhong, Huai niu xi, Wu wei zi, Shan zhu yu, Chu shi zi
You Gui San You Gui San
Right Side Replenishing Teapills
Warms the Kidney, Strengthens Yang, Replenishes Jing-essence, Tonifies Blood Kidney Yang and Jing-essence deficiency. Tongue: pale and swollen with a slippery white coat; Pulse: deep, weak, slow Shu di huang, Shan yao, Shan zhu yu, Gou qi zi, Du zhong, Tu si zi, Dang gui, Rou gui
Xiong Wei Da Bu Wan Xiong Wei Da Bu Wan
Majestic Yang Teapills
Tonifies the Five Zang Organs, Tonifies Yang, Strengthens Qi and Blood, Nourishes Jing-essence Qi and Yang deficiency of the Kidney and Spleen with Blood and Jing-essence deficiency. Tongue: pale, swollen; Pulse: deficient, deep, slow Shu di huang, Du zhong, Xu duan, Gu sui bu, Du Zhong, Nu zhen zi, Huang jing, Dang shen, Dang gui, Huang qi, Shan yao, Gou qi zi, Fu ling, Mu gua, Ba ji tian(yan), Yin yang huo, Lu jiao jiao, Bai zhu, Gan cao
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