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Assessing and Treating Pediatric Fevers with Chinese Medicine
Fevers are nature’s way of fighting off organisms that cause sickness by creating an environment that is inhospitable to pathogenic life forms. Fevers are also instrumental in developing and fine-tun...
TCM Treats for Friends and Family
We are all busy towards the end of the year, so why not make life easier and get some holiday shopping done while placing your order with us at Mayway? We have all sorts of gift-worthy items you may...
Summer Recipe: Herbal Tonic with Fresh Watermelon
Drinking this slightly bitter tonic tea is a perfect way to cool down and nourish Qi, Blood and Yin in the summer heat. This trio of herbs promotes a healthy immune response, normal energy levels, men...
An Integrated Approach to Caring for Patients with Hyperemesis
Raven Lang shares a story about a patient of mine with hyperemesis. I share this story to point out that there are times when a practitioner must realize the limits to what can be done with TCM trea...
Thoughts, observations and the classical Chinese medicine view: The first trimester of pregnancy
The classic writings I quote are taken from the Zhubing Yuanhuo Lun, the Mawangdui, and Sun Si Miao. They will offer you the ability to contemplate the first three of the ten lunar months of pregnan...
"Sitting the Month" - Chinese Postpartum Resting Month & Herbal Soup Recipe
Special postpartum herbal soups and stews are nutrient-dense, easily digested and assimilated foods. They are used in traditional cultures around the world to help women with postpartum healing; to ...
Winter Squash and Adzuki Bean Curry Recipe
Adzuki (sometimes spelled aduki) beans are the Chinese herb Chi xiao dou: sweet, sour and neutral to slightly cold, they drain dampness and heat from the body. When balanced with warming vegetables a...
Consultant’s Corner: Determining the Right Dosage for Your Patient
Although Chinese medicine is an herb-based tradition and is regulated in the United States as “food supplements”, as practitioners we know that it is nonetheless still medicine. In China most prepared...
Late Autumn Lung Tea Recipe
Cozy teas made with Pang Da Hai seeds and raw honey are a simple way to support your lungs and respiratory system. Pang Da Hai seeds open the Lungs and simultaneously clear phlegm and protect Lung flu...
The Primary Pathological Triad
The primary pathological triad is three patterns of pathology that frequently occur simultaneously, are tightly interlinked and mutually engendering. The triad comprises Spleen yang qi deficiency, Liv...
Summer Recipe: Gou Qi Zi Soda
Homemade soda allows you to adjust the recipe to your tastes and create new variations depending on what fruits, herbs and spices you have on hand.
Spring Recipe: Tonifying Stir-fry with Astragalus Rice
Prepare your body for spring with this delicious herb meal! Pungent and sweet flavors nourish the body, invigorate the Liver, and increase the flow of Qi and Blood needed to fuel Spring’s expansive an...
Chilled Mung Bean & Coconut Milk Dessert Soup
This chilled dessert soup is a family favorite made by Mrs. Meilin Lau, the mother of Mayway's four sibling owners. Mrs. Lau is Chinese, but grew up in Vietnam where her mother often prepared s...
Ling Zhi Tonic Soup
Reishi Mushroom, known as Ling Zhi in Chinese herbal medicine, is often categorized under herbs that "Calm the Spirit and Nourish the Heart." Our LIng Zhi soup recipe will nourish and calm w...
Long Yan Rou, Peanut & Fish Congee
Rice congee, or porridge, is a traditional staple of Cantonese cuisine eaten in the morning hours, between 7-11 AM, when the Stomach and Spleen Qi are ready for nourishment, gently warming the diges...
Cooling Summer Herbal Teas
Five Flowers Tea, or Wu hua cha 五花茶 is a traditional Chinese folk tea, enjoyed especially during the summer months by Cantonese people in the hot and humid south. Sweet and slightly cold, its’ mai...
Strengthening Children's Resistance to Illness
As the summer gives way to fall and the lingering challenges posed by the current pandemic remain, we as parents and practitioners are naturally focused on protecting our children's health ...
Chinese Herbs and Chicken Soup
The days are getting shorter, colder and wet. Today is a perfect day for having a warm bowl of chicken soup. Mothers and grandmothers all over the world recommend, “Give ‘em some chicken soup!” Ch...
Calm Spirit Soup Recipe
The TCM concept of “form complementing form, organ complementing organ” (yi xing bu xing, yi zang bu zang 以形補形、以臟補臟 ) is well known throughout Asian culture and cooking. For example, eating walnuts ...
Deep Dive into Extract Powders & Granules
Go deep into the nature of Plum Flower's Extract Powders, how they differ from granules, factors that affect yield of products, and read what 5:1 really means.
Winter Squash Soup
Eating the vegetables and fruits that ripen in Autumn helps the body transition into the season and stay healthy. Because the Qi is seen to go downwards and return to the earth in Autumn, root veget...
Pork or Chicken Ginger Scallion Recipe
Prepare your body for spring with this delicious herb meal! Pungent and sweet flavors nourish the body, invigorate the Liver, and increase the flow of Qi and Blood needed to fuel Spring's expan...
Back to School - A TCM Clinician's Perspective
Amy Mager, L.Ac. discusses a look at preparing children and families for the upcoming school year, methods to prepare our immune systems, and options for addressing illness if an attack occurs.
Second Trimester: The Fourth Month
Raven Lang, L.Ac., O.M.D. incorporates her midwifery and traditional medicine (both American and Asian) into her discussion of the Fourth Month of gestation. She discusses ancient writings and how...
Chinese Herb-Drug Interactions
Many are using traditional Chinese herbal medicine alongside prescription COVID-19 drugs. But can these therapies mix safely? In this article, Dr. Skye Sturgeon explores potential interactions betwe...
Let’s Make Chinese Herbal Tonic Wines
The first known mention of herbal tonic wine is from the Wu Shi Er Bing Fang (Prescriptions for 52 Ailments), which was unearthed at Ma Wang Dui tomb, an archaeological site located in Changsha, Chin...
Spring Recipe: Cloud Ear and Cucumber Salad
Mushrooms and fungus are well-known for having health benefits, and the cloud ear fungus (yun mu er) is no exception. Used in cooking since the 6th century, this ingredient benefits healthy blood cir...
Needling Master Tung’s Double Child, Double Fairy
Susan presents her needling notes for these important paired points, along with tips on when to use them and combinations to use with different presentations, in this excerpt from her upcoming Master...
Are You Under-Prescribing Extract Powders?
One of the common questions to our consultants from clinicians is regarding the recommended dosages for our extract powder formulas and single herbs. What is the extract powder dosage equivalent of si...
Summer Recipe: Gou Qi Zi & Fresh Cherry Ice Cream
Cool off from the inside out with this delicious and healthy twist on an old summer favorite! Making ice cream in a high-power blender is an easy way to incorporate more luscious seasonal fruits to en...
77.18 Shen Guan and Three Emperors – Master Kidney Point
“Shen Guan” means Kidney Gate. This is Dr. Tung’s master Kidney point (77.18), and there is no more powerful point for the Kidney. It tonifies not only the Kidney, but also the Spleen and the Yin, and...
Consultant's Corner: Notes on Herb Administration
I’m frequently asked for advice on the best time to take herbs, and while often there is no universal answer to that question, here are a few notes on interactions with food, dosage intervals and spec...
The Chinese Medicine Treatment of Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal human emotion. Most people will experience it from time to time as a normal response to the stresses and worries of life. Anxiety becomes a pathological disorder (jiāo lǜ zhèng...
Reishi Hot Cocoa
It’s the time of year to get cozy with a steaming mug of hot chocolate, and what better way to add a little warmth than with herbs? Drinking chocolate is a New World tradition that goes back to the ti...
Chinese Herbal Chicken Soup
Chinese herbal chicken soup is one of the best ways to strengthen the Qi and Blood to prepare for Autumn and Winter. Although the Chinese and Western views about when to eat chicken soup differ, both ...
Pork Soup with Shan Yao, Bai He & Gou Qi Zi
This delicious, light and simple pork and herb soup is an excellent recipe to prepare the body for spring. Spring is the season of wood and its associated organ the Liver. It is the season of activi...
Cinnamon, Walnuts & Gou Qi Zi Bread
Try this delicious new twist on an old breakfast favorite! We’ve substituted Gou Qi Zi (goji berries) for raisins and added walnuts to a traditional cinnamon bread. According to Chinese medicine, Rou ...
The Treatment of Depression with Chinese Medicine
Depressed patients experience a range of symptoms in addition to the mood component, and it is helpful to think of depression as a disorder that interferes with the basic aspects of life: the energy f...
The Dance of Water & Fire: Study of the Triple Heater
The role of the triple heater is a complicated one. Elisabeth’s study of the Neijing texts allows us to start by defining the fu , their shared functions, extent of those roles, and the connections be...
The Change of Seasons - Preparing for Autumn
Autumn is the season of metal, which governs organization, storage, setting limits and protecting boundaries, and pertains to the Lung and Large Intestine organs. The Lung governs the Qi of the body, ...
Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus with Chinese Medicine
Diabetes mellitus (tang niao bing 糖尿病, literally ‘sweet urine disease’) is an increasingly common disorder in both affluent and developing societies. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a syndrome of impair...
Treatment of Obesity with Chinese Medicine
Obesity (fei pang 肥胖) is on the rise worldwide and is the most common nutrition related disorder in the developed world. Most commonly it is associated with an increase in the energy value and...
Chuan Bei Mu, Pears & Honey
This traditional steamed pear recipe is often prepared in the autumn, the season of dryness, to prevent or treat an occasional dry cough or dry throat. Chuan Bei Mu/Fritillaria cirrhosa bulb is a very...
Treatment of Constipation (bian bi 便秘) with Chinese Medicine
Constipation (bian bi 便秘) is difficulty in passing stools, prolonged intervals between stools, or a desire to defecate without the ability to do so partially or completely. The stools may be hard, dry...
Chinese Medicinals - Changes, Differences, and Challenges in the Last Twenty Years
We are not left here on earth without recourse for our physical bodies. This was a recent revelation to me [in thought] after having been in the health care and education business for 40 years an...
An Argument for Delaying the Availability of Over-the-Counter Chinese Herbal Formulas in the United States
In contemporary American culture, Chinese herbal formulas have their highest potential for patients in the U.S. when prescribed by a licensed herbalist. The traditional use of Chinese herbal formulas ...
Chinese Medicine Treatment of Rhinitis
Rhinitis, whether seasonal or perennial, is usually an allergic condition. In TCM terms we relate this concept to deficiency of wei qi. The wei (or protective) qi has its basis in Kidney yang and is d...
Best Before Dates & Chinese Herbs
We have tested and retested many of our herbs and extract powders over the years, and have found that even after 5 years or more, that the product is essentially unchanged in terms of many testing...
Letter From a Customer Regarding Gluten
The appearance of our Shu di huang has nothing to do with the gluten aspect of the herb, the round appearance has everything to do with the way the Sheng di huang (Rehmania glutinosa root – raw) is sl...
Administering Herbs to Children
One series of questions that the Mayway Herbal Consultants consistently receive relates to administering Chinese herbs to children. Many practitioners in the field know that Chinese medicine can be he...
Ginseng Black Chicken Soup
Everyone can use a little Qi nourishment at this time of year, and this classic Chinese herbal chicken soup gives a well-rounded boost to the system. This recipe uses Mayway's USDA-certified orga...
Year of the Earth Pig: Health Predictions for the TCM Clinic
In 2019 we shifted from the Yang of the Earth Dog year to the Yin of the Earth Pig (or Boar). The easy-going Pig is not without his issues! The energetics of the year can influence everything from the...
Qing Wei Wan for Stomach Heat and Fire Uprising
Qing Wei San was written by Li Dongyuan and published in his classic formula book, Lan Shi Mi Cang/Secrets from the Orchid Chamber, in 1336 A.D. Qing Wei San is indicated for Stomach heat and fire...
2020: Year of the Metal Rat
Welcome to the Year of the Rat! Not only is 2020 the start of a new decade, but in Chinese astrology, the Rat is the start of a new twelve year cycle. There are twelve animals in the Chinese Zod...
Lung Clearing & Detoxifying Soup for Troubling Times
A complex understanding of how the physical environment influences the human body is central to Chinese medical thought and is a hallmark of its’ sophisticated view of health and disease. From the e...
Helpful Tips on Using Mayway Herbs' Prescription Service
As the needs of patients are becoming more specialized, the demand for custom herbal formulas is on the rise. We've created tips for using our Dispensary service, links to a fillable decoction in...
Harmony Rice: Sticky rice wrapped in Lotus leaf with Lily bulbs
A phonetic play on He 荷 “lotus” and He 和 “harmony”, this is a delicious, calming, and nourishing dish; a perfect treat for these tumultuous times! Steaming rice in dried lotus leaves infuses the ...
Essential Travel Formulas
No matter your type or time of travel, the family First-Aid kit is an essential item. Though the standard First-aid kit contains the usual emergency care items, traditional Chinese medicine has it...
Cooling Summer Heat: Sang Ju Yin
Summer is the time of year we are out in nature and enjoying the world around us. With nature in full bloom, not all of our friends and neighbors are necessarily enjoying all that nature provides....
Huang Bai Summer Soup
Huang Bai Summer Soup is a simple and nourishing soup that is perfect to clear Summer Heat and strengthen the middle Jiao. Making use of the corn cob after cutting off the kernels, in combinatio...
'Tis the Season for Curing Pills
It's the season where we traditionally want to reach for Curing Pills, and this year they are especially useful. The COVID-19 pandemic has turned every familiar aspect of our lives upside down,...
Dosage Considerations of Extract Powders and Granules
Our Herbal Consultants are often asked about recommendations for dosing extract powders. Skye Sturgeon, DAOM, L.Ac. discusses the history of herbal extract powders, dosage calculation examples...
Stewed Duck with Sha Shen & Yu Zhu
In recent years, many of us have likely experienced weariness and fatigue from so many rapid changes in our post-pandemic world. Here is a favorite family recipe to renew your energy reserves an...
Legend of the White Phoenix
For practitioners of Chinese medicine, the black interior and paradoxical white feathered exterior represent and mirror the consolidation of Yin and Yang. Thus, the black-skinned silkie chicken is c...
Black Chicken Soup for Pregnancy
We're sharing a delicious and time-honored family recipe. It contains nutrients derived from pork and black chicken, as well as tonifying herbs to promote a woman’s optimal health during pregna...
Health Tips for the Dragon Boat Festival
The Dragon Boat Festival 端午節 (for 2021, it falls on Monday, June 14th) is not only about boat races and delicious rice dumplings, but since ancient times was a time to focus on health.  The luna...
Case Study: Kidney Yang Deficiency or Liver Yang Rising?
Acupuncturist Skye Sturgeon reviews a case study of a 68-year-old male whose chief complaint was cold feet, intermittent low back pain, and chronic tinnitus. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment...
Three Herb Formulas for Food Stagnation
Food stagnation corresponds to indigestion or an upset stomach. Food stagnation is not a disease but rather a variety of symptoms that are experienced; including mild abdominal pain or cramping and ...
Chicken & Chestnut Soup
We've created a delicious Chicken & Chestnut soup! Easily purchased in their dried form, chestnuts are considered in TCM to be “fruit for the kidneys" because they are particularly...
Prepared Formulas as Practical Alternatives
Although cooked water-based extractions (decoctions: 湯 tāng) are widely taught in TCM schools and commonly used in the administration of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, many TCM herbalists in t...
Stir Fried Pork with Shu Di Huang Recipe
A perfect recipe for any time of year using pork and shu di huang!
Barley and Hawthorn Tea
Summer is a time for barbeques with friends and family. More often than not we overdo the grilled meats and spicy sauces causing indigestion. Here is a tasty way to bring TCM into your summer fu...
Light Herb Steamed Cod
This combination of cod together with Gou Qi Zi/lycii berries, Long Yan Rou/logan berries and Sheng Jiang/fresh ginger makes this recipe sweet and tasty while being nourishing to the skin, eyes ...
Goji Berry & Apple Pie
The beloved apple has many benefits from a TCM perspective, aside from it being a nourishing and crunchy treat. Apples are cool, sweet Yin tonics that enter the Heart, Lung and Stomach meridians, and ...
Golden Cabinet Lamb Recipe
This goji, red dates, angelica and lamb soup recipe is from Zhang Zhongjing’s "Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Cabinet". It has the therapeutic effects of nourishing Qi and Blood, ...
Eight Treasure Duck Recipe
A special dish for festive occasions, 8 Treasure Duck is a delicacy you can make at home. The “8” refers to there being 8 precious ingredients stuffed into a duck and braised. Fillings, marinades,...
Release Exterior Formulas Comparison
Explore 18 formulas that Release Exterior sorted by Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat, Interior Heat and Interior Deficiency to help practitioners quickly and easily compare formulas, their functions, indica...
Seasonal Nasal & Phlegm Formulas
Explore 11 formulas that address seasonal nasal and phlegm challenges. This comparison chart will help you quickly and easily compare formulas, their functions, indications, and ingredients.
Itchy Skin Recipes
Blooming flowers, green leafy trees, warmer weather, feelings of renewal and growth, and possibly...... dry, itchy, lackluster skin. The effects of cold and windy winter months followed by drier s...
Du Zhong, Tian qi & Oxtail Stew
Bone loss, according to traditional Chinese medicine, is mainly caused by insufficient Kidney Qi, with symptoms such as weak back, difficulty in standing for a long time, weakness of lower extremities...
Venison Yang Tonic Soup
There are three Yang tonics in this recipe. Ba jI tian enters the Kidney meridian, and is spicy, sweet and slightly warm. A special attribute of Ba ji tian is that it has a moistening quality that...
Atherosclerosis and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Heart disease remains the number one cause of death in the United States and worldwide, closely followed by cancer, and then COVID-19. In this article, the risk factors of coronary artery dise...
Tian Men Dong Lemongrass and Tofu Soup
Here is a cooling and Yin nourishing soup to soothe the overheating effects of these long summer days with elevated temperatures in many parts of the country. Featured prominently in the recipe are ...
Triple Threat Formulas
Compare 26 formulas selected to address a Triple Threat winter season. This chart shows functions, indications, and tongue/pulse for formulas addressing Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat, Interior Heat, In...
Dui Yao: Dang gui + Huang qi & Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
There are many ways to increase your knowledge of Chinese herbal medicine, one of which is to learn about paired relationships between single herbs, called Duì Yào. These pairings can be very ...
Purple Patch Wind, Zi Dian Feng: Lichen Planus Case Study
One percent of the world suffers from a skin disease that has been recognized and treated by Chinese medicine (CM) for roughly 1000 Years. These patients lose their sleep and ability to concentr...
Headache Formulas Comparison
Explore 23 headache formulas and learn the pin yin name, alternate name, functions, indications, typical tongue and pulse, and the ingredients in an easy to follow comparison chart.
Skin Formulas Comparison
This easy chart shows 10 skin formulas and how to use them including pin yin name, alternate name, functions, indications, typical tongue and pulse, and the ingredients so you can select the best ...
Exploring Fresh Local Food-Herbs
We highlight several easy to source Chinese medicinal herbs that are also excellent culinary herbs. Chinese dietary therapy emphasizes the concept of Yao Shi Tong Yuan 药食同源 “medicine and food have t...
Flower Bone Points for Aging Eyes (Hua Gu Yi)
Susan Johnson, L.Ac. discusses Flower Bone points and herbal formulas for aging eyes. Master Tung’s Points known as 55.02 Flower Bone One is the most extraordinary point pattern Susan has used for e...
TCM Treatment for Cognitive Decline Patterns
Hayley Gardner MSOM, DCCM discusses a clinical approach to treating complex cognitive decline patterns with customized Chinese herbal medicine formulas.
Dui Yao in an Ancient Brain Formula
Two herbs that complement one another (Dui Yao) are discussed: Ren Shen (Panax Ginseng) and Da Huang (Rhubarb) and how the two herbs work together in the popular formula Chái Hú Jiā Lóng Gŭ Mù Lì Tā...
Longevity, TCM and The Hallmarks of Aging
This article discusses longevity, quality of life, and what factors affect aging populations.
Longevity Soup to Nourish and Calm the Mind
This recipe is suitable for those who often stay up late, work too much, and “burn the candle at both ends” which can result in a restless mind with sleep disturbance and possibly a difficult time f...
Navigating Holiday Eating - Healing the Yi Spirit
Self-healing principles are about making small changes consistently, keeping promises we make for ourselves, learning to set clear boundaries, and healing our relationship with food. The key here ...
Nourishing Eel and Astragalus Soup
With nutrient-dense eel and Astragalus at its core, this delicious recipe tonifies Qi, Blood and Yin, disperses wind and cold, drains damp, and strengthens bones. A perfect combination for preve...
Preparing for Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year, traditionally called Chūn Jié 春節 or “Spring Festival” is the most important holiday in Chinese culture. 15 days long, it is a celebration of the renewal of life, a time for ri...
Chinese New Year Holiday Traditions
The Spring Festival is celebrated for 15 days, complete with activities, superstitions, gatherings and festivals. It is an ancient holiday which has developed over eons and while many customs are...
Heart Healthy Fish with Hong Hua and Hei Mu Er
This delicious fish recipe with safflower (Hong hua) and black fungus (Hei mu er) supports healthy blood circulation, warms the body, and tonifies the Qi. It features grouper, which is rich in a wea...
Herb Story: Zi Su Ye (Perilla Leaf)
Zi Su Ye is an herb commonly served with fish in sushi restaurants. Read this entertaining and educational herb story that's all about Perilla Leaf and its usefullness for tummy troubles!
Supply Chain Update - July 2024
Eva Lau, VP of Operations of Mayway, provides an update on the herb market in China and explains price fluctuations of Chinese medicinal herbs.
Herb Nerd's Paradise: 4 days in Anguo
Yvonne Lau provides a travel log of a recent visit to Anguo, a Chinese herbal medicine province in China.
TCM Support for Children with ADHD
Recent studies have shown that 1 in 9 children have received an ADHD diagnosis. This means that 7 million children in the United States ages 3 to 17 have an ADHD diagnosis. This article offers re...
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