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News Archive
News Archive May 10, 2013 No more 'best before' dates on pow...
The Art and Science of Obstetrics Distance Learnin...
The Art and Science of Obstetrics with Raven Lang, L.Ac., O.M.D. Distance Learning Course Lear...
Welcome to Mayway's Podcast "Chinese Medicine Matter...
Assessing and Treating Pediatric Fevers with Chinese Medicine
Fevers are nature’s way of fighting off organisms that cause sickness by creating an environment that is inhospitable to pathogenic life forms. Fevers are also instrumental in developing and fine-tun...
Learning to Use Patent Medicines in a Public Health Care Setting with Limited Resources
This article explores learning about how to use prepared Chinese medicines in a public health care setting in the treatment of patients with limited resources.
Men's Essentials Formulas Comparison
These 16 formulas are commonly prescribed to Men and are considered Men's Essentials for your herbal formula. Learn how to use each formula sorted with pin yin name, alternate name, functio...
Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis & Topical Steroid Withdrawal Case Studies & Treatment (Part 2)
This article is Part 2 in the discussion of topical steroid withdrawal, eczema, and atopic dermatitis. David Heron shows the progression of an 18-year-old man who presented with skin rashes, crack...
Cartoons to Classic Pills: The Evolution of Plum Flower Labels
Hugh Lau walks us through the evolution of the Mayway labels and how his doodling became a custom creation for Mayway's classic teapills.
TCM Support for Children with ADHD
Recent studies have shown that 1 in 9 children have received an ADHD diagnosis. This means that 7 million children in the United States ages 3 to 17 have an ADHD diagnosis. This article offers re...
Finding the Right Ginseng
Ginseng is arguably one of the most well-known Chinese medicinal herbs, yet the word is casually used to refer to many different herbs, some with slight variations and others with completely different...
Let’s Make Chinese Herbal Tonic Wines
The first known mention of herbal tonic wine is from the Wu Shi Er Bing Fang (Prescriptions for 52 Ailments), which was unearthed at Ma Wang Dui tomb, an archaeological site located in Changsha, Chin...
Optimizing Female Fertility with Prepared Chinese Medicines
Traditional Chinese medicine gynecologists have known for thousands of years that regulating the menstrual cycle promotes fertility. Modern practitioners have begun to incorporate the knowledge we h...
Chinese Medicinal Herb Beer
Recently, one of our staff who is a homebrewer, and another who is our chief herbalist collaborated on a brewing experiment using Chinese herbs. After much discussion and some decoction sampling, we...
Moxa Strengthens the Kidneys and Mingmen Fire
Moxa is an excellent way to deeply warm the body, more important now, as we head into fall and winter. In fact, between the change of seasons, there is a two to four week period referred to as “Moxa S...
Chinese Herbal Chicken Soup
Chinese herbal chicken soup is one of the best ways to strengthen the Qi and Blood to prepare for Autumn and Winter. Although the Chinese and Western views about when to eat chicken soup differ, both ...
The Ancient Art of Cupping
Cupping is a suction technique designed to pull toxin build up and muscle spasm from the body’s deeper tissue to the surface of the skin. The cells of the body use oxygen and give off carbon dioxide; ...
Pork Soup with Shan Yao, Bai He & Gou Qi Zi
This delicious, light and simple pork and herb soup is an excellent recipe to prepare the body for spring. Spring is the season of wood and its associated organ the Liver. It is the season of activi...
Introduction to Shonishin, Pediatric Acupuncture
Shonishin is a pediatric method developed in Japan, which was based upon TCM theories from 2,000 years ago. It first came into practice in the 17th century, but in the last 80 years it has become the ...
Pediatric Shonishin Case Study: A Full Childhood
I shall call the child Levi. He first came to me at 21 months of age and stopped coming when he was getting ready to finish high school and already on his way to college. Levi’s mother called me on th...
Releasing Trauma: Considering Late- versus Early-Onset in the Treatment of PTSD
A common archetype of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (or PTSD) is the aging, war-torn veteran, but in an era of constant and intimate exposure to tragic imagery and social injustice from across ...
Herb Processing at the Mayway Hebei Facility
In April the Mayway Hebei facility in Anguo opened its doors for tours for the first time and I was fortunate to be among the Mayway US staff that led the tour. My first impression as I walked into th...
Treatment of Obesity with Chinese Medicine
Obesity (fei pang 肥胖) is on the rise worldwide and is the most common nutrition related disorder in the developed world. Most commonly it is associated with an increase in the energy value and...
Pediatric Acupuncture
Shonishin is a pediatric method of acupressure, massage, and needling that was developed in Japan and based upon TCM theories that are 2000 years old.
Fainting and Funny Turns: Part 2
This article is an excerpt from the Clinical Handbook of Internal Medicine: The Treatment of Disease with Traditional Chinese Medicine, Volume 3 by Will Maclean and Jane Lyttleton. It is being pre...
Letter From a Customer Regarding Gluten
The appearance of our Shu di huang has nothing to do with the gluten aspect of the herb, the round appearance has everything to do with the way the Sheng di huang (Rehmania glutinosa root – raw) is sl...
Determining the Appropriateness of a Formula
Many practitioners have contacted the Mayway consultants over the years with questions regarding how to determine whether a given formula is appropriate for their patient. Though there is not alw...
Administering Herbs to Children
One series of questions that the Mayway Herbal Consultants consistently receive relates to administering Chinese herbs to children. Many practitioners in the field know that Chinese medicine can be he...
Ginseng Black Chicken Soup
Everyone can use a little Qi nourishment at this time of year, and this classic Chinese herbal chicken soup gives a well-rounded boost to the system. This recipe uses Mayway's USDA-certified orga...
"Sitting the Month" - Chinese Postpartum Resting Month & Herbal Soup Recipe
Special postpartum herbal soups and stews are nutrient-dense, easily digested and assimilated foods. They are used in traditional cultures around the world to help women with postpartum healing; to ...
Year of the Earth Pig: Health Predictions for the TCM Clinic
In 2019 we shifted from the Yang of the Earth Dog year to the Yin of the Earth Pig (or Boar). The easy-going Pig is not without his issues! The energetics of the year can influence everything from the...
Zi Sheng Wan/Nourish Life Pills for a mixed excess and deficiency pattern of digestive upset
The primary goal of Zi Sheng Wan is to strengthen Spleen Qi and specifically the Spleen's ability to transform food and transport fluids, thus invigorating digestive function and increasing t...
Lung Clearing & Detoxifying Soup for Troubling Times
A complex understanding of how the physical environment influences the human body is central to Chinese medical thought and is a hallmark of its’ sophisticated view of health and disease. From the e...
Deep Dive on 3 Lung Formulas
In TCM terms, we say the Lung is the “tender organ” because it is directly exposed to the environment via the respiratory process and in its role in regulating the exterior. A wide variety of external...
Damp as a Vector of Pathogenesis
Damp is one of the six exogenous pathogenic influences defined in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In English, as an archaic medical term, the word “damp” originally meant “vapor”, “steam" or "...
Understanding How Qi Gong Promotes Health
Breathe your way to harmony, balance, health, and well-being. Practicing Qi Gong yourself and teaching it to your patients is one of the most beneficial aspects of Chinese medicine. It can be engaged ...
Recipes for Lung Wellness
Two recipes that both support the lungs, but with different herbal functions. The first is Pear Bai Mu Er Soup - a delicately sweet herb soup known to lubricate dryness and eliminate mucus. The second...
Anxiety: The Unsettled Shen
From the view of traditional Chinese medicine, several emotions make up what we presently describe as anxiety. On close examination four emotions stand out as comprising what we call anxiety. Accordin...
The Great Harmonizing Prescription: Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Harmonizing is one of the eight treatment methods used in traditional Chinese medicine. In the contemporary practice of TCM, harmonizing prescriptions fall into four sub-categories: Shao Yang disord...
On the Road to Recovery
As we slowly re-open our clinics, there are a few reasons to feel optimistic while still being cautious and very careful. Whether patients have had the virus or not, bodies, hearts and minds have c...
Cooling Summer Heat: Sang Ju Yin
Summer is the time of year we are out in nature and enjoying the world around us. With nature in full bloom, not all of our friends and neighbors are necessarily enjoying all that nature provides....
Strengthening Children's Resistance to Illness
As the summer gives way to fall and the lingering challenges posed by the current pandemic remain, we as parents and practitioners are naturally focused on protecting our children's health ...
Ear Discomfort in Children
An understanding of the unique nature of children's physiologies from the TCM perspective is essential in both diagnosing the specific nature of these clinical pictures, and in putting together...
Case Study: Treatment for “Fen Ci” (粉刺) with TCM
Chinese herbal medicine can be very helpful to control one of the most common skin conditions in the world, known in traditional Chinese medicine as Fen Ci (粉刺) or “white thorns”, which can have a...
Acupuncture Treatment Strategies to Support the Shen
As practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, we understand the importance of balancing emotional and psychological health. Shen disharmony not only affects our emotional experience, but can a...
Calm Spirit Soup Recipe
The TCM concept of “form complementing form, organ complementing organ” (yi xing bu xing, yi zang bu zang 以形補形、以臟補臟 ) is well known throughout Asian culture and cooking. For example, eating walnuts ...
Ci Wu Jia for Vitality and Recovery
Mark Frost discusses Ci Wu Jia, also known as Eleuthero and “Siberian Ginseng.” Ci wu jia is classified as a Qi tonic. Its nature is spicy, slightly bitter, and warm, entering the Spleen, Heart and ...
Release Exterior Formulas Comparison
Explore 18 formulas that Release Exterior sorted by Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat, Interior Heat and Interior Deficiency to help practitioners quickly and easily compare formulas, their functions, indica...
Seasonal Nasal & Phlegm Formulas
Explore 11 formulas that address seasonal nasal and phlegm challenges. This comparison chart will help you quickly and easily compare formulas, their functions, indications, and ingredients.
Endometriosis: Support from Chinese Medicine
Endometriosis affects 10% of people who menstruate every year, and that’s just the people who get a formal diagnosis. Endometriosis a very painful menstrual condition in which the uterine lining (en...
Five Spirits, Five Paths
cPTSD is different from PTSD in that it is not so much associated with the trauma or reaction to outward events, but instead manifests inwardly - how we see and think about ourselves - and as a ...
Triple Threat Formulas
Compare 26 formulas selected to address a Triple Threat winter season. This chart shows functions, indications, and tongue/pulse for formulas addressing Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat, Interior Heat, In...
Qi Tonics Comparison
Explore 15 Qi tonic formulas sorted by pin yin name and learn the alternate name, functions, indications, typical tongue and pulse, and the ingredients in an easy to follow comparison chart.
2023 - Year of the Water Rabbit
The Lunar New Year arrives on January 22nd and brings us the Year of the Yin Water Rabbit. You may also see it referred to as the Black Rabbit since black is the color of Water. What does the Rabb...
Infertility - Male and Female Case Study
This article is an excerpt from Master Tung’s Magic Points: The Clinician’s Best Friend, soon to be published by Susan Johnson and Eric Renaud. The topic of fertility treatment is more pertinent ...
Lín 臨 / Approach of Spring 19 I Ching
The hexagram Lín 臨 corresponds to the twelfth month of the lunar calendar which is usually found in January or early February. The character Lín 臨 is translated as “coming just before” or “just ab...
Headache Formulas Comparison
Explore 23 headache formulas and learn the pin yin name, alternate name, functions, indications, typical tongue and pulse, and the ingredients in an easy to follow comparison chart.
Digestive Support Formulas Comparison
This easy chart shows 13 popular digestive formulas and how to use them including pin yin name, alternate name, functions, indications, typical tongue and pulse, and the ingredients so you can sel...
Hives and Children
In this video clip from the Mayway course "Pediatrics and Shonishin," Raven Lang, L.Ac., O.M.D. discusses TCM treatments for hives in children.
Back to School - A TCM Clinician's Perspective
Amy Mager, L.Ac. discusses a look at preparing children and families for the upcoming school year, methods to prepare our immune systems, and options for addressing illness if an attack occurs.
Flower Bone Points for Aging Eyes (Hua Gu Yi)
Susan Johnson, L.Ac. discusses Flower Bone points and herbal formulas for aging eyes. Master Tung’s Points known as 55.02 Flower Bone One is the most extraordinary point pattern Susan has used for e...
TCM Treatment for Cognitive Decline Patterns
Hayley Gardner MSOM, DCCM discusses a clinical approach to treating complex cognitive decline patterns with customized Chinese herbal medicine formulas.
2024 Year of the Wood Dragon
Every year is either Yin or Yang, and they alternate. Since 2023 was a Yin year, 2024 is a Yang year. If we know the natures of Yin and Yang, we know that generally, Yang is faster, brighter, more...
Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis & Topical Steroid Withdrawal (Part 1)
Eczema is a broad term used to describe numerous related but different conditions involving redness, inflammation, itching of the skin, possibly scaling and occasionally the presence of vesicles...
"Four Substances Decoction" - Si Wu Tang
Known for its extraordinary characteristics for obstetrics and gynecology, Si Wu Tang (Four Substances Decoction) is discussed and its benefits for blood deficiency, blood stasis, and irregular menstr...
Integrating Yin Yang Theory in Transgender Care
This article explores the application of Yin and Yang theory in transgender medicine, highlighting its significance in promoting inclusivity, respect, and empowerment. By examining adapted Yin-Yan...
Herb Nerd's Paradise: 4 days in Anguo
Yvonne Lau provides a travel log of a recent visit to Anguo, a Chinese herbal medicine province in China.
Acne: The Bane of Teenage Existence
Discover how TCM dermatology offers effective solutions for treating teenage acne, addressing both the physical and emotional challenges it brings. This case study provides insights for teens an...
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