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About Mayway
About Mayway Mayway’s mission is to advance the quality of Chin...
Educational Field Trips
Educational Field Trips OM Instructors, diversify your lesson pla...
Employment Opportunities Contribute your skills to the growin...
Heavy Metals, Chinese Herbs & California'...
Heavy Metals, Chinese Herbs & California's Proposition ...
Mayway News Latest News February 19, 2021 A price increase ...
Response to Dietary Supplement with Heavy Metals
Mayway's Response to article "Dietary Supplement ...
Mayway's response to article: Beware of Count...
Mayway's response to article: Beware of Counterfeits that Contain Lead And Mercury June 200...
Chinese New Year Open House 2018
Mayway Invites You to a Chinese New Year Open House February 15...
Newsletter Archives Sign up for Mayway's Newsletter fo...
Pacific Symposium 2021 Course Replay
Watch these Presentations Again! During the 2021 Pacific Symposium, M...
Welcome Qiological Visitors
Welcome Qiological Visitors! Join Mayway's...
Welcome Acupuncture Today Visitors!
Welcome Acupuncture Today Visitors! Join Mayway&#...
Fainting and Funny Turns: Part 2
This article is an excerpt from the Clinical Handbook of Internal Medicine: The Treatment of Disease with Traditional Chinese Medicine, Volume 3 by Will Maclean and Jane Lyttleton. It is being pre...
Release Exterior Formulas Comparison
Explore 18 formulas that Release Exterior sorted by Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat, Interior Heat and Interior Deficiency to help practitioners quickly and easily compare formulas, their functions, indica...
Our Quest for Organic Chinese Medicinal Herbs
Obviously, the idea of having organic Chinese herbs is very appealing, and over the years many customers have asked us why we didn’t carry them. What most of our newer customers don’t know is that we ...
Changes in Herbal Medicines from Ancient Times to the Present
The classical literature of Chinese medicine remains highly relevant in the modern era, as many of the basic theories and herbal combinations emphasized in clinical practice were first established in ...
Helping Children with Autism, a Chinese Medical Perspective
Lola Burmeister, L.Ac. discusses Autism Spectrum Disorder from a Chinese medicine perspective. Her detailed analysis discusses TCM formulas and treatments that vary based on the defining symptoms a...
Summer Recipe: Herbal Tonic with Fresh Watermelon
Drinking this slightly bitter tonic tea is a perfect way to cool down and nourish Qi, Blood and Yin in the summer heat. This trio of herbs promotes a healthy immune response, normal energy levels, men...
Chinese Herbs & Pesticides
The pesticide issue is real and Mayway is appreciative of Greenpeace’s recent article raising the alarm, but it is more complicated than either Greenpeace’s or Harvard’s recent studies ...
"Sitting the Month" - Chinese Postpartum Resting Month & Herbal Soup Recipe
Special postpartum herbal soups and stews are nutrient-dense, easily digested and assimilated foods. They are used in traditional cultures around the world to help women with postpartum healing; to ...
Yu Dai Wan Teapills for Damp-Heat in the Uterus Causing Fluid Leakage
Yu Dai Wan supports the female reproductive system, at once clearing and tonifying to protect and balance vaginal flora and fauna. In traditional Chinese medicine normal vaginal discharge is produ...
Southern (Nan) Ban Lan Gen - An Important Herb for the Times
Since 2020, we have faced many challenges, and also many opportunities for change. Possibly at no other time in modern history has there been a greater moment for Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) to be a...
Triple Threat Formulas
Compare 26 formulas selected to address a Triple Threat winter season. This chart shows functions, indications, and tongue/pulse for formulas addressing Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat, Interior Heat, In...
Headache Formulas Comparison
Explore 23 headache formulas and learn the pin yin name, alternate name, functions, indications, typical tongue and pulse, and the ingredients in an easy to follow comparison chart.
TCM Approaches for Elderly Men's Health
This article touches on two major health issues that arise with men as they age: cardiovascular disease and erectile dysfunction. Etiology and how traditional Chinese medicine can support these cond...
Supply Chain Update - July 2024
Eva Lau, VP of Operations of Mayway, provides an update on the herb market in China and explains price fluctuations of Chinese medicinal herbs.
History of the Mayway Building
Our building was designed by architects Jesse M. Shelton and E. T. Foulkes, constructed between 1939 and 1940 for the Coca-Cola Company, and was considered a modern architectural model for the time. I...
Stock outs: The long and the short of why it happens
Sometimes we’re out of stock due to things we can’t control like the weather, pollution, or politics, but mostly we’re out of something because we refuse to compromise on quality, safety or ethics. Wh...
A Brief History of Chinese Patent Medicine
What are now commonly referred to as “patent” medicines are prepared or manufactured Chinese herbal medicines, such as teapills and tablets, which have been made according to standard herbal formulas ...
Earth Day: Big and little ways Mayway contributes to a better environment
Our products travel almost half way around the Earth to get to you, and we are always conscious of this fact. We are mindful of not wasting, being efficient, and using as little packaging and packing ...
Needling Master Tung’s Double Child, Double Fairy
Susan presents her needling notes for these important paired points, along with tips on when to use them and combinations to use with different presentations, in this excerpt from her upcoming Master...
Teapill Upgrades: New Technology for TCM at Lanzhou Foci
On June 22, fifty-foot tall red banners celebrated the transition to next level teapill manufacturing in Lanzhou. Lanzhou Foci, the maker of Min Shan® and most of our Plum Flower® teapills, reached a...
Assessing and Treating Pediatric Fevers with Chinese Medicine
Fevers are nature’s way of fighting off organisms that cause sickness by creating an environment that is inhospitable to pathogenic life forms. Fevers are also instrumental in developing and fine-tun...
The Primary Pathological Triad
The primary pathological triad is three patterns of pathology that frequently occur simultaneously, are tightly interlinked and mutually engendering. The triad comprises Spleen yang qi deficiency, Liv...
Spring Recipe: Tonifying Stir-fry with Astragalus Rice
Prepare your body for spring with this delicious herb meal! Pungent and sweet flavors nourish the body, invigorate the Liver, and increase the flow of Qi and Blood needed to fuel Spring’s expansive an...
The Ancient Art of Cupping
Cupping is a suction technique designed to pull toxin build up and muscle spasm from the body’s deeper tissue to the surface of the skin. The cells of the body use oxygen and give off carbon dioxide; ...
AWB Update: Healing Community Trauma: Empowering Acupuncturists to Transform Their Communities
"Acupuncturists Without Borders' (AWB) vision is to help build stable, peaceful, global communities. Knowing that unresolved trauma can have repercussions for decades, we train acupuncturist...
Pork Soup with Shan Yao, Bai He & Gou Qi Zi
This delicious, light and simple pork and herb soup is an excellent recipe to prepare the body for spring. Spring is the season of wood and its associated organ the Liver. It is the season of activi...
Introduction to Shonishin, Pediatric Acupuncture
Shonishin is a pediatric method developed in Japan, which was based upon TCM theories from 2,000 years ago. It first came into practice in the 17th century, but in the last 80 years it has become the ...
Pediatric Shonishin Case Study: A Full Childhood
I shall call the child Levi. He first came to me at 21 months of age and stopped coming when he was getting ready to finish high school and already on his way to college. Levi’s mother called me on th...
Hypothesis on the Purpose of Domestication of Prunus persica Dated to 8,000 BP (Before Present) at Kuahuqiao, Zhejiang Province
Recent research has arisen that, seen through the eyes of this author, suggests we can now confidently move the date of the history of herbal medicine back beyond 5,000 years to at least 8,000 yea...
China Diary April 2011: Visiting Mayway in Anguo
An excerpt from a travel diary written by Rebecca Clarke, published in the magazine of the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine (RCHM) the governing organization for Chinese herbal medicine in the UK. ...
Herb Processing at the Mayway Hebei Facility
In April the Mayway Hebei facility in Anguo opened its doors for tours for the first time and I was fortunate to be among the Mayway US staff that led the tour. My first impression as I walked into th...
Healthcare with Compassion
The Charlotte Maxwell Complementary Clinic is “a place of loving kindness that opens your heart, feeds your body, heals your soul. It’s a place where everyone sustains and uplifts each other, creating...
An Integrated Approach to Caring for Patients with Hyperemesis
Raven Lang shares a story about a patient of mine with hyperemesis. I share this story to point out that there are times when a practitioner must realize the limits to what can be done with TCM trea...
Mayway Opens Its Doors to Students
This September, Mayway hosted its first ever student field trip. ACTCM professor Mark Frost brought over his Patent Medicines Class students to get a first-hand, behind-the- scenes look at the bu...
Women’s Healing Clinic, Project Report
People’s lives changed at the Women’s Healing Clinic. People who were on the verge of giving up everything or going over the edge had their spirits touched, healed and lifted, leaving with new energy,...
Treatment of Headache with Chinese Medicine
Headache (tou tong 头痛)is pain in the head. Almost everyone will experience a headache at one time or another. As an isolated event in response to some postural, physical or emotional state, a headache...
Learning to Use Patent Medicines in a Public Health Care Setting with Limited Resources
This article explores learning about how to use prepared Chinese medicines in a public health care setting in the treatment of patients with limited resources.
Winter Squash and Adzuki Bean Curry Recipe
Adzuki (sometimes spelled aduki) beans are the Chinese herb Chi xiao dou: sweet, sour and neutral to slightly cold, they drain dampness and heat from the body. When balanced with warming vegetables a...
Master Tung's Beside Three Miles for Shao Yang type migraine, and other issues of the head & face
Master Tung's Beside Three Miles & Lower Beside Three Miles are primary points for treating one-sided (Shao Yang) migraine headaches, spasm or pain, which often includes TMJ, the sternocl...
Qing Wei Wan for Stomach Heat and Fire Uprising
Qing Wei San was written by Li Dongyuan and published in his classic formula book, Lan Shi Mi Cang/Secrets from the Orchid Chamber, in 1336 A.D. Qing Wei San is indicated for Stomach heat and fire...
Novel Formulas for Releasing the Exterior
We have added 17 new prescription templates for our practitioners to use for creating customized formulas for their patients. Several formulas were created by Michael McCulloch of the Pine Street Foun...
Virtual Practice Ideas
As practitioners are closing their clinics for the safety of all, many are left wondering if their businesses will survive. Trying times call for creative measures. We have tips on how to evolve to co...
Lung Clearing & Detoxifying Soup for Troubling Times
A complex understanding of how the physical environment influences the human body is central to Chinese medical thought and is a hallmark of its’ sophisticated view of health and disease. From the e...
Deep Dive on 3 Lung Formulas
In TCM terms, we say the Lung is the “tender organ” because it is directly exposed to the environment via the respiratory process and in its role in regulating the exterior. A wide variety of external...
Lung Health Support Formulas
With dozens of formulas to choose from, selecting the best Lung Formula for your patient may feel overwhelming. We've outlined 17 of our most popular formulas in an easy to read chart so you can ...
Recipes for Lung Wellness
Two recipes that both support the lungs, but with different herbal functions. The first is Pear Bai Mu Er Soup - a delicately sweet herb soup known to lubricate dryness and eliminate mucus. The second...
The Great Harmonizing Prescription: Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Harmonizing is one of the eight treatment methods used in traditional Chinese medicine. In the contemporary practice of TCM, harmonizing prescriptions fall into four sub-categories: Shao Yang disord...
Harmony Rice: Sticky rice wrapped in Lotus leaf with Lily bulbs
A phonetic play on He 荷 “lotus” and He 和 “harmony”, this is a delicious, calming, and nourishing dish; a perfect treat for these tumultuous times! Steaming rice in dried lotus leaves infuses the ...
Master Tung's Magic Points & Cupping in the Aftermath of the Coronavirus
Many acupuncturists are gradually reopening their practices. At the same time, a second wave of COVID-19 is sweeping through the country as people are becoming impatient with sanitation protocols and ...
On the Road to Recovery
As we slowly re-open our clinics, there are a few reasons to feel optimistic while still being cautious and very careful. Whether patients have had the virus or not, bodies, hearts and minds have c...
Huang Bai Summer Soup
Huang Bai Summer Soup is a simple and nourishing soup that is perfect to clear Summer Heat and strengthen the middle Jiao. Making use of the corn cob after cutting off the kernels, in combinatio...
Ear Discomfort in Children
An understanding of the unique nature of children's physiologies from the TCM perspective is essential in both diagnosing the specific nature of these clinical pictures, and in putting together...
Insomnia & Anxiety Formulas
Explore 10 formulas that calm the Shen and support healthy sleep and mental function. This list was compiled to help you as a practitioner quickly and easily compare formulas, their functions, i...
Wind-Damp Bi Pain Formulas Comparison
Explore 10 formulas for Wind-Damp Bi Pain to help practitioners quickly and easily compare formulas, their functions, indications, and ingredients.
Musculoskeletal Discomfort Formulas
As with all clinical treatment, syndrome pattern differentiation is essential. With musculoskeletal complaints, we need to discern whether muscle or connective tissues, including tendons and ligam...
Wind and Cold Damp Bi
One of the most common reasons that patients seek treatment from licensed acupuncturists is for musculoskeletal aches and mild pain (Tòng 痛), both acute and chronic. There may also be decreased ra...
Calm Spirit Soup Recipe
The TCM concept of “form complementing form, organ complementing organ” (yi xing bu xing, yi zang bu zang 以形補形、以臟補臟 ) is well known throughout Asian culture and cooking. For example, eating walnuts ...
Black Chicken Soup for Pregnancy
We're sharing a delicious and time-honored family recipe. It contains nutrients derived from pork and black chicken, as well as tonifying herbs to promote a woman’s optimal health during pregna...
A Comfortable Menopause
As some women experience minimal or no perimenopausal discomfort, what causes the symptoms that can be so debilitating to others? According to TCM, the main causes for discomfort all the way from pe...
Kai Kit Wan: For men over 50
Kai Kit Wan is the popularized name in Hong Kong for Jiè Jié Wán (解結丸), which literally means "to untie a knot" and refers specifically to reducing swelling in the prostate. This article g...
Case Study: Kidney Yang Deficiency or Liver Yang Rising?
Acupuncturist Skye Sturgeon reviews a case study of a 68-year-old male whose chief complaint was cold feet, intermittent low back pain, and chronic tinnitus. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment...
Herb Supply Update July 2021
A quick update on import challenges, future herb stock concerns, and a list of popular items that are back in stock!
Three Herb Formulas for Food Stagnation
Food stagnation corresponds to indigestion or an upset stomach. Food stagnation is not a disease but rather a variety of symptoms that are experienced; including mild abdominal pain or cramping and ...
Chicken & Chestnut Soup
We've created a delicious Chicken & Chestnut soup! Easily purchased in their dried form, chestnuts are considered in TCM to be “fruit for the kidneys" because they are particularly...
Patent Medicines in China
Mayway President Yvonne Lau discusses Patent Medicines in China with Mr. Han Jian Li regarding the TCM industry, manufacturing challenges, and the impact of COVID-19.
Pork or Chicken Ginger Scallion Recipe
Prepare your body for spring with this delicious herb meal! Pungent and sweet flavors nourish the body, invigorate the Liver, and increase the flow of Qi and Blood needed to fuel Spring's expan...
Light Herb Steamed Cod
This combination of cod together with Gou Qi Zi/lycii berries, Long Yan Rou/logan berries and Sheng Jiang/fresh ginger makes this recipe sweet and tasty while being nourishing to the skin, eyes ...
Golden Cabinet Lamb Recipe
This goji, red dates, angelica and lamb soup recipe is from Zhang Zhongjing’s "Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Cabinet". It has the therapeutic effects of nourishing Qi and Blood, ...
2022 - Year of the Water Tiger
The Lunar New Year in 2022 brings us the Year of the Water Tiger. Lunar New Year 2022 arrives on February 1st and brings us the Year of the Yang Water Tiger. You may also see it referred to as t...
Four Treatment Principles, Three Formulas, Two Years Later
We receive many inquiries about the latest information coming from China, and for the past two years, a sizable portion of questions have been pandemic-related. This article will answer some of thos...
TCM Heat and Inflammation
Latent heat (潜热 qiánrè) as a Chinese medicine concept has ancient origins dating to the Huangdi Nei Jing and the Shang Han Lun, first appearing in Chapters 3 and 5 of the Su Wen. It was used to expl...
Chinese Herb Egg Dyeing
We tested 11 Plum Flower Chinese herbs to see if they could produce rich colors for egg dyeing. Check out our short video for results!
Seasonal Nasal & Phlegm Formulas
Explore 11 formulas that address seasonal nasal and phlegm challenges. This comparison chart will help you quickly and easily compare formulas, their functions, indications, and ingredients.
Itchy Skin Recipes
Blooming flowers, green leafy trees, warmer weather, feelings of renewal and growth, and possibly...... dry, itchy, lackluster skin. The effects of cold and windy winter months followed by drier s...
Overactive Bladder: a TCM Perspective
Overactive bladder (OAB) is a condition that affects adults and children worldwide and can be caused by various underlying factors or traumas like childbirth, prostate enlargement, poor pelvic f...
Endometriosis: Support from Chinese Medicine
Endometriosis affects 10% of people who menstruate every year, and that’s just the people who get a formal diagnosis. Endometriosis a very painful menstrual condition in which the uterine lining (en...
Venison Yang Tonic Soup
There are three Yang tonics in this recipe. Ba jI tian enters the Kidney meridian, and is spicy, sweet and slightly warm. A special attribute of Ba ji tian is that it has a moistening quality that...
Profile of Transfeminine Care in the TCM Clinic
Count the number of transgender people you are knowingly familiar with in your daily life. Now, count how many transgender patients you knowingly have in your practice. Bonus points if you got past ...
Five Spirits, Five Paths
cPTSD is different from PTSD in that it is not so much associated with the trauma or reaction to outward events, but instead manifests inwardly - how we see and think about ourselves - and as a ...
Tian Men Dong Lemongrass and Tofu Soup
Here is a cooling and Yin nourishing soup to soothe the overheating effects of these long summer days with elevated temperatures in many parts of the country. Featured prominently in the recipe are ...
Perfect Partners: Acupuncturists Without Borders & Mayway
Carla Cassler of Acupuncturists Without Borders provides a recap of 2022: New modalities added to the AWB trauma-informed toolkit, disaster response work, and ongoing support for refugees, veterans,...
Charlotte Maxwell Clinic: Health, Hope and Healing
For 31 years, the Oakland-based nonprofit has provided free access to compassionate, integrative care for thousands of San Francisco Bay Area low-income women with cancer. Inspired by the vision of ...
Qi Tonics Comparison
Explore 15 Qi tonic formulas sorted by pin yin name and learn the alternate name, functions, indications, typical tongue and pulse, and the ingredients in an easy to follow comparison chart.
Herbal Medicine during the Pandemic
With great appreciation, Bill Schoenbart, associate chair of the Department of Herbology at Five Branches University, shares his clinical expertise of treating hundreds of Covid-19 patients over...
A Brief History of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine in America
Chinese medicine has a long history in the US, even before the Chinese ever set foot in America. During America’s colonial period, Chinese tea, and herbs such as rhubarb, cinnamon, cardamon, an...
Lín 臨 / Approach of Spring 19 I Ching
The hexagram Lín 臨 corresponds to the twelfth month of the lunar calendar which is usually found in January or early February. The character Lín 臨 is translated as “coming just before” or “just ab...
Qing Bu Liang Soup
This is a delicious soup, which can be made in a savory or sweet fashion. Either way it has valuable medicinal properties. This combination soothes and moistens the Lungs, cools Stomach heat and tonif...
Flower Bone Points for Aging Eyes (Hua Gu Yi)
Susan Johnson, L.Ac. discusses Flower Bone points and herbal formulas for aging eyes. Master Tung’s Points known as 55.02 Flower Bone One is the most extraordinary point pattern Susan has used for e...
TCM Treatment for Cognitive Decline Patterns
Hayley Gardner MSOM, DCCM discusses a clinical approach to treating complex cognitive decline patterns with customized Chinese herbal medicine formulas.
Navigating Holiday Eating - Healing the Yi Spirit
Self-healing principles are about making small changes consistently, keeping promises we make for ourselves, learning to set clear boundaries, and healing our relationship with food. The key here ...
Nourishing Eel and Astragalus Soup
With nutrient-dense eel and Astragalus at its core, this delicious recipe tonifies Qi, Blood and Yin, disperses wind and cold, drains damp, and strengthens bones. A perfect combination for preve...
Novel Formulas for Releasing the Exterior: 2024
Recent 2024 reports show virus numbers surging. These 11 prescription templates have been created to help frame custom formulas for your patients. These formulas were extracted from the National Hea...
Chinese Herb-Drug Interactions
Many are using traditional Chinese herbal medicine alongside prescription COVID-19 drugs. But can these therapies mix safely? In this article, Dr. Skye Sturgeon explores potential interactions betwe...
"Four Substances Decoction" - Si Wu Tang
Known for its extraordinary characteristics for obstetrics and gynecology, Si Wu Tang (Four Substances Decoction) is discussed and its benefits for blood deficiency, blood stasis, and irregular menstr...
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and TCM
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a very common part of many people’s menstrual cycles, but what does it mean when PMS is so severe that it's negatively impacting someone's life? Premenst...
Herb Nerd's Paradise: 4 days in Anguo
Yvonne Lau provides a travel log of a recent visit to Anguo, a Chinese herbal medicine province in China.
TCM Support for Children with ADHD
Recent studies have shown that 1 in 9 children have received an ADHD diagnosis. This means that 7 million children in the United States ages 3 to 17 have an ADHD diagnosis. This article offers re...
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