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By Condition > Women's Formulas
Through May 31, 2024, save 15% on these select Women's Formulas! Use code WOMEN24 at checkou...
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Welcome to Mayway's Podcast "Chinese Medicine Matter...
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Non-Profit Donation Recipients Mayway has donated money and produ...
The Art and Science of Obstetrics Distance Learnin...
The Art and Science of Obstetrics with Raven Lang, L.Ac., O.M.D. Distance Learning Course Lear...
Beware of Counterfeits that Contain Lead And Mercu...
Beware of Counterfeits that Contain Lead And Mercury June 2006 The New York City Department o...
Zi Sheng Wan/Nourish Life Pills for a mixed excess and deficiency pattern of digestive upset
The primary goal of Zi Sheng Wan is to strengthen Spleen Qi and specifically the Spleen's ability to transform food and transport fluids, thus invigorating digestive function and increasing t...
History & Evolution of Liu Wei Di Huang Tang
March is National Kidney Awareness Month, and while "kidney" means more than the physiological kidneys in TCM, we want to spotlight one of the most essential and popular kidney formulas in t...
Anxiety: The Unsettled Shen
From the view of traditional Chinese medicine, several emotions make up what we presently describe as anxiety. On close examination four emotions stand out as comprising what we call anxiety. Accordin...
Hair Loss and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Throughout all cultures, abundant hair has been seen as a sign of radiant health, as well as fertility and virility. This is also true in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), as the quantity and qual...
Osteoporosis and TCM
More than 200 million people worldwide suffer from osteoporosis - a skeletal disorder characterized as loss of bone mass. Learn how traditional Chinese medicine can support this condition along with...
AWB Update: Responding to Hurricanes, Shootings and Wildfires
Acupuncturists Without Borders has never been called upon to respond to so many disasters as we have this fall. Hurricane Harvey in Texas, Hurricane Irma in Florida, Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, th...
AHP's Response to Recent Criticism of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nature
Two recent articles in Nature presented critical views of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that are worthy of commentary. The articles focused on 4 primary presumptions: Safety of TCM; Need for TC...
Stabilizing Shen and Hun: Insomnia
Insomnia (bù mèi 不寐, shī mián 失眠) is difficulty sleeping. Insomnia includes inability to sleep, difficulty falling asleep, frequent waking, restlessness at night, a disordered sleep cycle and dre...
Assessing and Treating Pediatric Fevers with Chinese Medicine
Fevers are nature’s way of fighting off organisms that cause sickness by creating an environment that is inhospitable to pathogenic life forms. Fevers are also instrumental in developing and fine-tun...
The Primary Pathological Triad
The primary pathological triad is three patterns of pathology that frequently occur simultaneously, are tightly interlinked and mutually engendering. The triad comprises Spleen yang qi deficiency, Liv...
Consultant's Corner: Notes on Herb Administration
I’m frequently asked for advice on the best time to take herbs, and while often there is no universal answer to that question, here are a few notes on interactions with food, dosage intervals and spec...
The Chinese Medicine Treatment of Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal human emotion. Most people will experience it from time to time as a normal response to the stresses and worries of life. Anxiety becomes a pathological disorder (jiāo lǜ zhèng...
Lunaception: How the Moon, Light & Dark Affect Fertility
Find out why a dark room and a light bulb could be keys to conceiving, and how to balance Yin and Yang by cycling in harmony with the moon. The term “lunaception” was originally coined by Louise Lacey...
“Relieve Depression and Plant Jade Decoction” for the Treatment of Infertility caused by Mental Emotional Depression
Women are infertile for many reasons. Although many have significant Kidney deficiency or other etiologies, a large percentage of infertility cases are actually due to mental depression causing longst...
Men's Health: Male Factor Infertility
The incidence of male factor infertility is believed to be increasing in the Western world. In Chinese, the word for sperm and essence is the same (jīng 精 ), that is, they have the same origin and are...
The Yin and Yang of Cancer and Climate Change
Almost all of what we hear about cancer comes from our usual western perspective. Things like how smoking can increase the likelihood of developing the condition and how eating vegetables can reduce t...
Introduction to Shonishin, Pediatric Acupuncture
Shonishin is a pediatric method developed in Japan, which was based upon TCM theories from 2,000 years ago. It first came into practice in the 17th century, but in the last 80 years it has become the ...
Pediatric Shonishin Case Study: A Full Childhood
I shall call the child Levi. He first came to me at 21 months of age and stopped coming when he was getting ready to finish high school and already on his way to college. Levi’s mother called me on th...
The Treatment of Depression with Chinese Medicine
Depressed patients experience a range of symptoms in addition to the mood component, and it is helpful to think of depression as a disorder that interferes with the basic aspects of life: the energy f...
Helping Children with Autism, a Chinese Medical Perspective
Lola Burmeister, L.Ac. discusses Autism Spectrum Disorder from a Chinese medicine perspective. Her detailed analysis discusses TCM formulas and treatments that vary based on the defining symptoms a...
Update on the Acupuncturists Without Borders Nepal Earthquake Relief Project
Due to AWB’s ongoing work in Nepal, a trauma healing “infrastructure” has been put in place, with trained practitioners already on the ground. This is a huge gift to Nepal’s recovery. AWB Nepal practi...
Healthcare with Compassion
The Charlotte Maxwell Complementary Clinic is “a place of loving kindness that opens your heart, feeds your body, heals your soul. It’s a place where everyone sustains and uplifts each other, creating...
An Integrated Approach to Caring for Patients with Hyperemesis
Raven Lang shares a story about a patient of mine with hyperemesis. I share this story to point out that there are times when a practitioner must realize the limits to what can be done with TCM trea...
Treatment of Obesity with Chinese Medicine
Obesity (fei pang 肥胖) is on the rise worldwide and is the most common nutrition related disorder in the developed world. Most commonly it is associated with an increase in the energy value and...
Astragalus and Immunity
There are over 100 scientific studies on astragalus’ effect on immune function. Actually, if we include studies on cancer and other diseases that are governed by immune function, the amount is over 30...
Treatment of Constipation (bian bi 便秘) with Chinese Medicine
Constipation (bian bi 便秘) is difficulty in passing stools, prolonged intervals between stools, or a desire to defecate without the ability to do so partially or completely. The stools may be hard, dry...
Women’s Healing Clinic, Project Report
People’s lives changed at the Women’s Healing Clinic. People who were on the verge of giving up everything or going over the edge had their spirits touched, healed and lifted, leaving with new energy,...
Chinese Medicinals - Changes, Differences, and Challenges in the Last Twenty Years
We are not left here on earth without recourse for our physical bodies. This was a recent revelation to me [in thought] after having been in the health care and education business for 40 years an...
Laughter is Good Medicine
Our teams regularly assist with child birth, respond to midnight emergencies, diagnose cases of cancer, parasitic infection and diabetes, and report suspected cases of polio to the World Healt...
Pediatric Acupuncture
Shonishin is a pediatric method of acupressure, massage, and needling that was developed in Japan and based upon TCM theories that are 2000 years old.
Administering Herbs to Children
One series of questions that the Mayway Herbal Consultants consistently receive relates to administering Chinese herbs to children. Many practitioners in the field know that Chinese medicine can be he...
Women's Voices in Traditional Chinese Medicine
We are celebrating women's health and the fabulous contributions that women are making in traditional Chinese medicine! Check out our interviews with Yvonne Charles of Charlotte Maxwell Clini...
Thoughts, observations and the classical Chinese medicine view: The first trimester of pregnancy
The classic writings I quote are taken from the Zhubing Yuanhuo Lun, the Mawangdui, and Sun Si Miao. They will offer you the ability to contemplate the first three of the ten lunar months of pregnan...
"Sitting the Month" - Chinese Postpartum Resting Month & Herbal Soup Recipe
Special postpartum herbal soups and stews are nutrient-dense, easily digested and assimilated foods. They are used in traditional cultures around the world to help women with postpartum healing; to ...
Differential Diagnosis of Acne in Chinese Medicine
Taking into account the symptoms and characteristics of how the acne presents is vital to diagnosis. If pimples are primarily red, swollen, hot, painful, then it indicates true heat. If redness, swe...
Tian Ma Teapills - A Good Perimenopausal Formula?
In the modern clinic, Tian Ma Wan is often used for perimenopausal women with a mixed pattern of Liver and Kidney deficiency (Yin, Blood, possibly slight Yang Xu) and some combination of wind-damp Bi ...
2020: Year of the Metal Rat
Welcome to the Year of the Rat! Not only is 2020 the start of a new decade, but in Chinese astrology, the Rat is the start of a new twelve year cycle. There are twelve animals in the Chinese Zod...
Ximena's Dream - Healing at the Border
AWB made its fourth service trip to Espacio in February, right before CoVid shelter-in-place regulations went into effect. Luckily, we were able to complete a NADA ear acupuncture training for 10 mi...
Restful Sleep Formulas
When the Shen, frequently translated as “Mind”, is disturbed this can cause someone to experience sleep complications. We will take a deeper look at three formulas for Calming the Shen that lead to a ...
Long Yan Rou, Peanut & Fish Congee
Rice congee, or porridge, is a traditional staple of Cantonese cuisine eaten in the morning hours, between 7-11 AM, when the Stomach and Spleen Qi are ready for nourishment, gently warming the diges...
On the Road to Recovery
As we slowly re-open our clinics, there are a few reasons to feel optimistic while still being cautious and very careful. Whether patients have had the virus or not, bodies, hearts and minds have c...
Inventory Updates & Offers
Catch up on inventory updates on some of your favorite products and find out when our popular calendars will arrive!
Cold Weather Kidney Tonics
Winter is upon us and the cold winds have begun to blow once again. This is an ideal time to strengthen and tonify the Kidneys in order to ensure the Yang Qi is warming the interior, channels and ...
Ci Wu Jia for Vitality and Recovery
Mark Frost discusses Ci Wu Jia, also known as Eleuthero and “Siberian Ginseng.” Ci wu jia is classified as a Qi tonic. Its nature is spicy, slightly bitter, and warm, entering the Spleen, Heart and ...
Legend of the White Phoenix
For practitioners of Chinese medicine, the black interior and paradoxical white feathered exterior represent and mirror the consolidation of Yin and Yang. Thus, the black-skinned silkie chicken is c...
A Comfortable Menopause
As some women experience minimal or no perimenopausal discomfort, what causes the symptoms that can be so debilitating to others? According to TCM, the main causes for discomfort all the way from pe...
Zhi Bai Di Huang Tang for Hot Flashes
Menopause is the phase in a woman’s life during which she transitions from a reproductive to a non-reproductive stage. Literally, the word is used to indicate the permanent cessation of menstruati...
Renewed Formulas: Qing Fei Yi Huo & Huang Lian Shang Qing
Dr. Skye Sturgeon discusses 2 renewed formulas: Qing Fei Yi Huo (clears Lung Heat, reduces Fire, reverses the failure of the Lung Qi to descend, generates and restores body fluids, and promotes th...
Cordyceps Cs-4: A Sustainable Alternative
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine principles, Dōng chóng xià cǎo gently tonifies the Kidney Yang and augments Jing/Essence, nourishes the Lung Yin, supports the protective Qi, transforms P...
The Medicine of Peace: How Herbs Can Be Used to Treat Stress, Pain and Trauma
Acupuncturists Without Borders (AWB) works throughout the US and internationally to bring trauma-informed, integrative health care to communities impacted by disaster, violence, climate change, povert...
Thanks (Giving) Back
Gratitude is what many of us feel and reflect upon this season. In that spirit, here are some east Asian medicine (EAM) organizations that we appreciate and support, and hope that you will consider s...
Charlotte Maxwell Integrated Cancer Clinic
Charlotte Maxwell Clinic (CMC), the Oakland, CA-based nonprofit women’s clinic, is celebrating 30 years of providing free access to compassionate integrative care, including acupuncture, herbs, body...
Overactive Bladder: a TCM Perspective
Overactive bladder (OAB) is a condition that affects adults and children worldwide and can be caused by various underlying factors or traumas like childbirth, prostate enlargement, poor pelvic f...
Du Zhong, Tian qi & Oxtail Stew
Bone loss, according to traditional Chinese medicine, is mainly caused by insufficient Kidney Qi, with symptoms such as weak back, difficulty in standing for a long time, weakness of lower extremities...
Endometriosis: Support from Chinese Medicine
Endometriosis affects 10% of people who menstruate every year, and that’s just the people who get a formal diagnosis. Endometriosis a very painful menstrual condition in which the uterine lining (en...
Majestic Yang Teapills
Majestic Yang Teapills endeavors to treat various deficiencies by tonifying Yang, strengthening Qi and Blood, and nourishing Jing-essence. It is an intricate formula that, in addition to Yang tonic he...
Atherosclerosis and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Heart disease remains the number one cause of death in the United States and worldwide, closely followed by cancer, and then COVID-19. In this article, the risk factors of coronary artery dise...
Exploring Blood and Immunity in TCM
There is often a tendency in TCM education to equate the TCM concept of Wèi Qì (衞氣) with the immune system and this leads to oversimplification and misunderstanding. In traditional Chinese medicin...
Safety Concerns of Talc
We have an ongoing commitment to FDA (Food and Drug Administration) compliance and transparency, especially regarding disclosures and the labeling of our products. This is why talc appears on the ...
Perfect Partners: Acupuncturists Without Borders & Mayway
Carla Cassler of Acupuncturists Without Borders provides a recap of 2022: New modalities added to the AWB trauma-informed toolkit, disaster response work, and ongoing support for refugees, veterans,...
Charlotte Maxwell Clinic: Health, Hope and Healing
For 31 years, the Oakland-based nonprofit has provided free access to compassionate, integrative care for thousands of San Francisco Bay Area low-income women with cancer. Inspired by the vision of ...
Universal Holistic Healthcare 2023 Update
Universal Holistic Healthcare is a 501c3 that works to promote integrative healthcare services to underserved and under-resourced communities both domestically in the United States and globally. The...
A Compassionate & Holistic Approach to Pregnancy Loss
Fertility and women’s health is a very popular specialty for many acupuncturists and herbalists. Success stories permeate medical journals, mom groups and amongst the general public, giving hope...
Infertility - Male and Female Case Study
This article is an excerpt from Master Tung’s Magic Points: The Clinician’s Best Friend, soon to be published by Susan Johnson and Eric Renaud. The topic of fertility treatment is more pertinent ...
A Brief History of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine in America
Chinese medicine has a long history in the US, even before the Chinese ever set foot in America. During America’s colonial period, Chinese tea, and herbs such as rhubarb, cinnamon, cardamon, an...
IVF and Queer Couples: A Practitioner's Perspective
Western studies have confirmed the efficacy of acupuncture for fertility outcomes. For over 20 years, Rachel Blunk, L.Ac., has worked with reproductive endocrinologists to help improve fertility...
Invigorate Blood Formulas Comparison
Explore 8 popular formulas that invigorate the blood, commonly prescribed for women's health support. Discover how to use each formula sorted with pin yin name, alternate name, functions, ind...
Hives and Children
In this video clip from the Mayway course "Pediatrics and Shonishin," Raven Lang, L.Ac., O.M.D. discusses TCM treatments for hives in children.
TCM Treatment for Cognitive Decline Patterns
Hayley Gardner MSOM, DCCM discusses a clinical approach to treating complex cognitive decline patterns with customized Chinese herbal medicine formulas.
Longevity, TCM and The Hallmarks of Aging
This article discusses longevity, quality of life, and what factors affect aging populations.
Navigating Holiday Eating - Healing the Yi Spirit
Self-healing principles are about making small changes consistently, keeping promises we make for ourselves, learning to set clear boundaries, and healing our relationship with food. The key here ...
Empowering Holistic Wellness: Charlotte Maxwell Clinic's 2023 Highlights
Empowering holistic wellness in 2023, East Bay integrative care clinic expands access to services, welcomes new volunteers, and fosters vital partnerships to serve San Francisco Bay Area low-incom...
Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan / Seven Treasures for Hair
Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan 七寶美髯丹, also known as Seven Treasures for Hair, tonifies both Kidney Yin and Kidney Yang, replenishes Jing, tonifies Blood, strengthens tendons and bones, and benefits vitality. ...
Second Trimester: The Fourth Month
Raven Lang, L.Ac., O.M.D. incorporates her midwifery and traditional medicine (both American and Asian) into her discussion of the Fourth Month of gestation. She discusses ancient writings and how...
Great Yang Restoration Teapills - Bu Yang Huan Wu Wan
Bu Yang Huan Wu engenders normal circulation and sensation, particularly in the lower limbs, where it can help mitigate the side eects of many disorders associated with weakness or loss of sensat...
"Four Substances Decoction" - Si Wu Tang
Known for its extraordinary characteristics for obstetrics and gynecology, Si Wu Tang (Four Substances Decoction) is discussed and its benefits for blood deficiency, blood stasis, and irregular menstr...
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