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About Mayway
About Mayway Mayway’s mission is to advance the quality of Chin...
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Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions Mayway Corporation is a duly authorized Califo...
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Copyright Info This website is owned and operated by Mayway Corporation. Unless otherwise spec...
Employment Opportunities Contribute your skills to the growin...
Environmental Commitment
Environmental Commitment Mayway is strongly committed to contribu...
Heavy Metals, Chinese Herbs & California'...
Heavy Metals, Chinese Herbs & California's Proposition ...
Manufacturing Commitment to Quality During the past 50 years, we...
Mayway Dispensary
About Mayway's Dispensary Our cGMP and HIPAA compliant D...
Mayway News Latest News February 19, 2021 A price increase ...
Response to Dietary Supplement with Heavy Metals
Mayway's Response to article "Dietary Supplement ...
Save the Tiger Campaign
Save the Tiger Campaign Laura Stropes, L.Ac. October 2001 Mayway has joined the World Wildli...
Our Brands
Our Brands Our carefully chosen manufacturing partners are ra...
Our Partners
Quality Partners Part of our quality assurance is in choosing exc...
Price increase on Plum Flower teapills, tablets a...
A price increase on Plum Flower teapills, tablets and extract powder formula products are sched...
Mayway's response to article: Beware of Count...
Mayway's response to article: Beware of Counterfeits that Contain Lead And Mercury June 200...
Beware of Counterfeits that Contain Lead And Mercu...
Beware of Counterfeits that Contain Lead And Mercury June 2006 The New York City Department o...
Welcome to Mayway's Podcast "Chinese Medicine Matter...
Sha Shen Yu Zhu Soup
A light yet earthy soup for nourishing and moistening the Lungs as the seasons change, Bei Sha Shen (glehniae root) combines here with Yu Zhu (Solomon’s seal root) and Bai Mu Er (tremella fungus) to s...
China Diary April 2011: Visiting Mayway in Anguo
An excerpt from a travel diary written by Rebecca Clarke, published in the magazine of the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine (RCHM) the governing organization for Chinese herbal medicine in the UK. ...
Cordyceps Cs-4: A Sustainable Alternative
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine principles, Dōng chóng xià cǎo gently tonifies the Kidney Yang and augments Jing/Essence, nourishes the Lung Yin, supports the protective Qi, transforms P...
Heart Healthy Fish with Hong Hua and Hei Mu Er
This delicious fish recipe with safflower (Hong hua) and black fungus (Hei mu er) supports healthy blood circulation, warms the body, and tonifies the Qi. It features grouper, which is rich in a wea...
History of the Mayway Building
Our building was designed by architects Jesse M. Shelton and E. T. Foulkes, constructed between 1939 and 1940 for the Coca-Cola Company, and was considered a modern architectural model for the time. I...
Our Quest for Organic Chinese Medicinal Herbs
Obviously, the idea of having organic Chinese herbs is very appealing, and over the years many customers have asked us why we didn’t carry them. What most of our newer customers don’t know is that we ...
Pacific Symposium Updates 2017
Ideas are sparked every year at Pacific Symposium, and this year was no exception. It’s an event that attracts leaders and innovators in traditional Chinese medicine from across the country and beyond...
Let’s Make Chinese Herbal Tonic Wines
The first known mention of herbal tonic wine is from the Wu Shi Er Bing Fang (Prescriptions for 52 Ailments), which was unearthed at Ma Wang Dui tomb, an archaeological site located in Changsha, Chin...
The Year of the Earth Dog and its Clinical Implications
In February, we celebrate Chinese New Year and begin the Year of the Yang Earth Dog. What does this mean for you and your patients? In this article we explore the energetics of the year, how they infl...
Stock outs: The long and the short of why it happens
Sometimes we’re out of stock due to things we can’t control like the weather, pollution, or politics, but mostly we’re out of something because we refuse to compromise on quality, safety or ethics. Wh...
A Brief History of Chinese Patent Medicine
What are now commonly referred to as “patent” medicines are prepared or manufactured Chinese herbal medicines, such as teapills and tablets, which have been made according to standard herbal formulas ...
Earth Day: Big and little ways Mayway contributes to a better environment
Our products travel almost half way around the Earth to get to you, and we are always conscious of this fact. We are mindful of not wasting, being efficient, and using as little packaging and packing ...
Lau Family Recipe: Bai Mu Er Tang
This Chinese sweet herbal soup with eggs is a New Year tradition at the home of Mayway's founders, where it's most often served on Renri, the 7th day of the New Year.
AHP's Response to Recent Criticism of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nature
Two recent articles in Nature presented critical views of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that are worthy of commentary. The articles focused on 4 primary presumptions: Safety of TCM; Need for TC...
Growing Herb Demand and Quality Concerns
Fakes, reconditioned and counterfeit herbs. Take a look into the shadier side of herb sourcing and learn what you can do to avoid it. Chinese herbs are commodities, and traded in the billions of doll...
What We Can Learn from East Asian Clinics: Specialization
In China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea traditional medicine is 99.9% herbs. In fact, you could walk around a random Chinese city all day and not find a single acupuncture clinic, but pass plenty of herba...
Spring Recipe: Cloud Ear and Cucumber Salad
Mushrooms and fungus are well-known for having health benefits, and the cloud ear fungus (yun mu er) is no exception. Used in cooking since the 6th century, this ingredient benefits healthy blood cir...
Adaptogens and Chinese Herbology
The concept of an herbal adaptogen is a relatively recent one and its origin dates back to 1947 to a Soviet scientist, Nikolai Lazarev. Lazarev was searching for substances that would improve human ...
Acupuncture Relief Project: Groundbreaking Research in Nepal
Right now, little is known about the health risks and problems in rural Nepal. No one knows exactly how many cases of diabetes or hypertension are in the population because most of the cases are undia...
Are You Under-Prescribing Extract Powders?
One of the common questions to our consultants from clinicians is regarding the recommended dosages for our extract powder formulas and single herbs. What is the extract powder dosage equivalent of si...
Assessing and Treating Pediatric Fevers with Chinese Medicine
Fevers are nature’s way of fighting off organisms that cause sickness by creating an environment that is inhospitable to pathogenic life forms. Fevers are also instrumental in developing and fine-tun...
The Primary Pathological Triad
The primary pathological triad is three patterns of pathology that frequently occur simultaneously, are tightly interlinked and mutually engendering. The triad comprises Spleen yang qi deficiency, Liv...
Consultant's Corner: Notes on Herb Administration
I’m frequently asked for advice on the best time to take herbs, and while often there is no universal answer to that question, here are a few notes on interactions with food, dosage intervals and spec...
Reishi Hot Cocoa
It’s the time of year to get cozy with a steaming mug of hot chocolate, and what better way to add a little warmth than with herbs? Drinking chocolate is a New World tradition that goes back to the ti...
A Growing Conversation for Domestic Production 2016
The Chinese Medicinal Herb Farm in Northern California, is primarily an educational and research farm and to date have grown out more than 260 different Chinese herb crops. Herb quality, ecological cu...
Introduction to Shonishin, Pediatric Acupuncture
Shonishin is a pediatric method developed in Japan, which was based upon TCM theories from 2,000 years ago. It first came into practice in the 17th century, but in the last 80 years it has become the ...
The Treatment of Depression with Chinese Medicine
Depressed patients experience a range of symptoms in addition to the mood component, and it is helpful to think of depression as a disorder that interferes with the basic aspects of life: the energy f...
Hypothesis on the Purpose of Domestication of Prunus persica Dated to 8,000 BP (Before Present) at Kuahuqiao, Zhejiang Province
Recent research has arisen that, seen through the eyes of this author, suggests we can now confidently move the date of the history of herbal medicine back beyond 5,000 years to at least 8,000 yea...
Making a Ripple
“How can I help you?” This simple question should summarize our relationship with our patients by placing us in a role of service to our patients. Unfortunately, all too often, the question is present...
Why Microbial Testing?
Microbial testing is conducted in support of processing that is free from contamination caused by harmful microorganisms. Since the presence of microbials is indicative of spoilage of product or poten...
How can Chinese medicine practitioners effectively advocate the safety and efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine?
Mayway Scholarship Essay: The globalization of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has focused attention on both the health promoting benefits of these medicinals as well as the potential ch...
Sustainability Issues of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine: Restricted Herb and Resource List
This is a list of restricted and/or prohibited Chinese herbs that cannot be exported from China or imported into the US. Some of these restrictions are only now being implemented and have not yet ...
Mayway Opens Its Doors to Students
This September, Mayway hosted its first ever student field trip. ACTCM professor Mark Frost brought over his Patent Medicines Class students to get a first-hand, behind-the- scenes look at the bu...
Herbal Wisdom Over the Counter
I believe that some Chinese herbal remedies should be available for everyday ailments in a similar way to other simple, over the counter remedies, with stronger remedies available from a Chinese herba...
Chinese Medicinals - Changes, Differences, and Challenges in the Last Twenty Years
We are not left here on earth without recourse for our physical bodies. This was a recent revelation to me [in thought] after having been in the health care and education business for 40 years an...
Chinese Herbs & Pesticides
The pesticide issue is real and Mayway is appreciative of Greenpeace’s recent article raising the alarm, but it is more complicated than either Greenpeace’s or Harvard’s recent studies ...
Chinese Medicine Treatment of Rhinitis
Rhinitis, whether seasonal or perennial, is usually an allergic condition. In TCM terms we relate this concept to deficiency of wei qi. The wei (or protective) qi has its basis in Kidney yang and is d...
Best Before Dates & Chinese Herbs
We have tested and retested many of our herbs and extract powders over the years, and have found that even after 5 years or more, that the product is essentially unchanged in terms of many testing...
Fainting and Funny Turns: Part 2
This article is an excerpt from the Clinical Handbook of Internal Medicine: The Treatment of Disease with Traditional Chinese Medicine, Volume 3 by Will Maclean and Jane Lyttleton. It is being pre...
Herb Identification and Authentication
Have you ever wondered how we determine if the herbs that we are supplying you for your patients are the correct species? That they are not inferior or toxic herbs that are being substituted for the t...
Learning to Use Patent Medicines in a Public Health Care Setting with Limited Resources
This article explores learning about how to use prepared Chinese medicines in a public health care setting in the treatment of patients with limited resources.
Women's Voices in Traditional Chinese Medicine
We are celebrating women's health and the fabulous contributions that women are making in traditional Chinese medicine! Check out our interviews with Yvonne Charles of Charlotte Maxwell Clini...
Thoughts, observations and the classical Chinese medicine view: The first trimester of pregnancy
The classic writings I quote are taken from the Zhubing Yuanhuo Lun, the Mawangdui, and Sun Si Miao. They will offer you the ability to contemplate the first three of the ten lunar months of pregnan...
Year of the Earth Pig: Health Predictions for the TCM Clinic
In 2019 we shifted from the Yang of the Earth Dog year to the Yin of the Earth Pig (or Boar). The easy-going Pig is not without his issues! The energetics of the year can influence everything from the...
Zi Sheng Wan/Nourish Life Pills for a mixed excess and deficiency pattern of digestive upset
The primary goal of Zi Sheng Wan is to strengthen Spleen Qi and specifically the Spleen's ability to transform food and transport fluids, thus invigorating digestive function and increasing t...
History & Evolution of Liu Wei Di Huang Tang
March is National Kidney Awareness Month, and while "kidney" means more than the physiological kidneys in TCM, we want to spotlight one of the most essential and popular kidney formulas in t...
Ling Zhi: Mushroom of Immortality
Ling Zhi (Reishi) is one of the most recognized Chinese herbs, both in appearance and in its many significant medicinal properties. It has been used for thousands of years to enhance health, clear min...
Helpful Tips on Using Mayway Herbs' Prescription Service
As the needs of patients are becoming more specialized, the demand for custom herbal formulas is on the rise. We've created tips for using our Dispensary service, links to a fillable decoction in...
Recipes for Lung Wellness
Two recipes that both support the lungs, but with different herbal functions. The first is Pear Bai Mu Er Soup - a delicately sweet herb soup known to lubricate dryness and eliminate mucus. The second...
Restful Sleep Formulas
When the Shen, frequently translated as “Mind”, is disturbed this can cause someone to experience sleep complications. We will take a deeper look at three formulas for Calming the Shen that lead to a ...
The Cost of Making Hay While the Sun Shines
During these times of isolation and physical separation, we like to make the best of it and take advantage when an opportunity presents. Sometimes, "Making Hay While the Sun Shines" comes ...
Chinese Herbs and Chicken Soup
The days are getting shorter, colder and wet. Today is a perfect day for having a warm bowl of chicken soup. Mothers and grandmothers all over the world recommend, “Give ‘em some chicken soup!” Ch...
Wind and Cold Damp Bi
One of the most common reasons that patients seek treatment from licensed acupuncturists is for musculoskeletal aches and mild pain (Tòng 痛), both acute and chronic. There may also be decreased ra...
Calm Spirit Soup Recipe
The TCM concept of “form complementing form, organ complementing organ” (yi xing bu xing, yi zang bu zang 以形補形、以臟補臟 ) is well known throughout Asian culture and cooking. For example, eating walnuts ...
Fraudulent TCM in the Market
Mayway's manufacturing partner Lanzhou Foci Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. has released a statement regarding fraudulent claims of manufacturing of teapills and tablets.
泰 Tài / Tranquility/Peace
The Chinese New Year begins on midnight on the day of the second (or third) new moon following the winter solstice. This year it is February 12th. The hexagram associated with the first month and ...
Deep Dive into Extract Powders & Granules
Go deep into the nature of Plum Flower's Extract Powders, how they differ from granules, factors that affect yield of products, and read what 5:1 really means.
Dosage Considerations of Extract Powders and Granules
Our Herbal Consultants are often asked about recommendations for dosing extract powders. Skye Sturgeon, DAOM, L.Ac. discusses the history of herbal extract powders, dosage calculation examples...
Ci Wu Jia for Vitality and Recovery
Mark Frost discusses Ci Wu Jia, also known as Eleuthero and “Siberian Ginseng.” Ci wu jia is classified as a Qi tonic. Its nature is spicy, slightly bitter, and warm, entering the Spleen, Heart and ...
Huang Jing and Quail Soup Recipe
We combine Huang Jing with its moderate tonifying properties with Quail, Dang Shen, and Huang Qi to form a delicious soup. This is an excellent recipe for those recovering from a long illness or a p...
Huang Jing and Pigeon Soup Recipe
The meat in this recipe specifically calls for mature Pigeon (1+years old as opposed to squab). According to the Ben Cao Gang Mu《本草纲目》 (Compendium of Materia Medica), “meat can replenish the five ...
Stone-K Formula
Dr. Skye Sturgeon highlights Stone-K Formula for Shí lìn 石淋 or “Stone Obstruction” with Qi stagnation, retention of Dampness in the Lower Jiao, and underlying Kidney Qi deficiency since sufficie...
Patent Medicines in China
Mayway President Yvonne Lau discusses Patent Medicines in China with Mr. Han Jian Li regarding the TCM industry, manufacturing challenges, and the impact of COVID-19.
Prepared Formulas as Practical Alternatives
Although cooked water-based extractions (decoctions: 湯 tāng) are widely taught in TCM schools and commonly used in the administration of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, many TCM herbalists in t...
Fall 2021 Herb Report
Yvonne Lau of Mayway Herbs provides an update on the Chinese herb industry including economic pressures, harvest, and supply challenges.
Sustainability of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions unde...
復 Fù / Return, Revival, Inflection Point, Winter Solstice
The winter solstice has always been celebrated in China as the resting time of the year. In winter the life energy is still underground. The Return of Light is just beginning; therefore, it must...
Tyger Tyger, Not So Burning Bright
2022 is the Year of the Tiger, and an update on the preservation of this magnificent animal seems fitting. Yvonne Lau, President of Mayway, discusses the current status of tiger conservation with ...
Four Treatment Principles, Three Formulas, Two Years Later
We receive many inquiries about the latest information coming from China, and for the past two years, a sizable portion of questions have been pandemic-related. This article will answer some of thos...
Southern (Nan) Ban Lan Gen - An Important Herb for the Times
Since 2020, we have faced many challenges, and also many opportunities for change. Possibly at no other time in modern history has there been a greater moment for Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) to be a...
Jiě/ Relief 解 Spring I Ching
The hexagram associated with the fourth month of the Chinese lunar calendar or May on the solar/Gregorian calendar is Jiě 解/ Deliverance or Relief (#40). In the sequence of the gua, Jiě 解 follows ...
Seasonal Nasal & Phlegm Formulas
Explore 11 formulas that address seasonal nasal and phlegm challenges. This comparison chart will help you quickly and easily compare formulas, their functions, indications, and ingredients.
Atherosclerosis and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Heart disease remains the number one cause of death in the United States and worldwide, closely followed by cancer, and then COVID-19. In this article, the risk factors of coronary artery dise...
Five Spirits, Five Paths
cPTSD is different from PTSD in that it is not so much associated with the trauma or reaction to outward events, but instead manifests inwardly - how we see and think about ourselves - and as a ...
Tian Men Dong Lemongrass and Tofu Soup
Here is a cooling and Yin nourishing soup to soothe the overheating effects of these long summer days with elevated temperatures in many parts of the country. Featured prominently in the recipe are ...
Exploring Blood and Immunity in TCM
There is often a tendency in TCM education to equate the TCM concept of Wèi Qì (衞氣) with the immune system and this leads to oversimplification and misunderstanding. In traditional Chinese medicin...
Supply Update Fall 2022
Eva Lau, Vice President of Mayway Herbs, provides an update on the supply chain for Chinese herbal medicine including overviews of climate change and storm impact on current and future supply.
Universal Holistic Healthcare 2023 Update
Universal Holistic Healthcare is a 501c3 that works to promote integrative healthcare services to underserved and under-resourced communities both domestically in the United States and globally. The...
A Compassionate & Holistic Approach to Pregnancy Loss
Fertility and women’s health is a very popular specialty for many acupuncturists and herbalists. Success stories permeate medical journals, mom groups and amongst the general public, giving hope...
A Brief History of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine in America
Chinese medicine has a long history in the US, even before the Chinese ever set foot in America. During America’s colonial period, Chinese tea, and herbs such as rhubarb, cinnamon, cardamon, an...
Lín 臨 / Approach of Spring 19 I Ching
The hexagram Lín 臨 corresponds to the twelfth month of the lunar calendar which is usually found in January or early February. The character Lín 臨 is translated as “coming just before” or “just ab...
Purple Patch Wind, Zi Dian Feng: Lichen Planus Case Study
One percent of the world suffers from a skin disease that has been recognized and treated by Chinese medicine (CM) for roughly 1000 Years. These patients lose their sleep and ability to concentr...
Digestive Support Formulas Comparison
This easy chart shows 13 popular digestive formulas and how to use them including pin yin name, alternate name, functions, indications, typical tongue and pulse, and the ingredients so you can sel...
Invigorate Blood Formulas Comparison
Explore 8 popular formulas that invigorate the blood, commonly prescribed for women's health support. Discover how to use each formula sorted with pin yin name, alternate name, functions, ind...
Men's Essentials Formulas Comparison
These 16 formulas are commonly prescribed to Men and are considered Men's Essentials for your herbal formula. Learn how to use each formula sorted with pin yin name, alternate name, functio...
TCM in Palliative and End of Life Care
Dr. Kim Peirano discusses the use of East Asian medicine for improving quality of life of terminal patients. The role of Chinese medicine and acupuncture in palliative and end of life care is by no ...
Exploring Fresh Local Food-Herbs
We highlight several easy to source Chinese medicinal herbs that are also excellent culinary herbs. Chinese dietary therapy emphasizes the concept of Yao Shi Tong Yuan 药食同源 “medicine and food have t...
TCM Treatment for Cognitive Decline Patterns
Hayley Gardner MSOM, DCCM discusses a clinical approach to treating complex cognitive decline patterns with customized Chinese herbal medicine formulas.
Longevity Soup to Nourish and Calm the Mind
This recipe is suitable for those who often stay up late, work too much, and “burn the candle at both ends” which can result in a restless mind with sleep disturbance and possibly a difficult time f...
Navigating Holiday Eating - Healing the Yi Spirit
Self-healing principles are about making small changes consistently, keeping promises we make for ourselves, learning to set clear boundaries, and healing our relationship with food. The key here ...
Acupuncturists Without Borders 2023 Update
Some acupuncturists and health care professionals might think that AWB has abundant resources, equivalent to those of large NGOs such as Doctors Without Borders or the Red Cross. In fact, AWB ha...
I Ching Reading for 2024
Following the celestial pivot of the Solstice, there is a return to the beginning. Thus, the next hexagram in the sequence is Wú wàng, which literally means “not any delusion”. Wú means “without any...
Heart Health Formulas Comparison
These 16 formulas offer a variety of TCM approaches to supporting healthy heart function. Learn how to use each formula sorted with pin yin name, alternate name, functions, indications, typical to...
Hair Loss and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Throughout all cultures, abundant hair has been seen as a sign of radiant health, as well as fertility and virility. This is also true in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), as the quantity and qual...
Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis & Topical Steroid Withdrawal (Part 1)
Eczema is a broad term used to describe numerous related but different conditions involving redness, inflammation, itching of the skin, possibly scaling and occasionally the presence of vesicles...
Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis & Topical Steroid Withdrawal Case Studies & Treatment (Part 2)
This article is Part 2 in the discussion of topical steroid withdrawal, eczema, and atopic dermatitis. David Heron shows the progression of an 18-year-old man who presented with skin rashes, crack...
Second Trimester: The Fourth Month
Raven Lang, L.Ac., O.M.D. incorporates her midwifery and traditional medicine (both American and Asian) into her discussion of the Fourth Month of gestation. She discusses ancient writings and how...
Chinese Herb-Drug Interactions
Many are using traditional Chinese herbal medicine alongside prescription COVID-19 drugs. But can these therapies mix safely? In this article, Dr. Skye Sturgeon explores potential interactions betwe...
"Four Substances Decoction" - Si Wu Tang
Known for its extraordinary characteristics for obstetrics and gynecology, Si Wu Tang (Four Substances Decoction) is discussed and its benefits for blood deficiency, blood stasis, and irregular menstr...
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and TCM
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a very common part of many people’s menstrual cycles, but what does it mean when PMS is so severe that it's negatively impacting someone's life? Premenst...
Osteoporosis and TCM
More than 200 million people worldwide suffer from osteoporosis - a skeletal disorder characterized as loss of bone mass. Learn how traditional Chinese medicine can support this condition along with...
Bisexual and Pansexual Health inclusivity
Do no harm is a good rule of thumb for all practitioners. You can improve communication with patients while trying to help rather than harm them. No matter what chief complaint your patient has, s...
Cartoons to Classic Pills: The Evolution of Plum Flower Labels
Hugh Lau walks us through the evolution of the Mayway labels and how his doodling became a custom creation for Mayway's classic teapills.
Supply Chain Update - July 2024
Eva Lau, VP of Operations of Mayway, provides an update on the herb market in China and explains price fluctuations of Chinese medicinal herbs.
Acne: The Bane of Teenage Existence
Discover how TCM dermatology offers effective solutions for treating teenage acne, addressing both the physical and emotional challenges it brings. This case study provides insights for teens an...
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